5: Playing It Cool

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I Melt with You - Modern English

❝I saw the world crashing all around your face

Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace❞

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"Honey, I'm home," Tommy smirks as him and Carol walk into Steve's house. He holds up two packs of beers with a teasing smile. "And I picked up your prescription."

"Just put them by the pool," Steve tells him as he turns on music from a large stereo in front of his TV.

Tommy scoffs but does as he says, leading Carol into the backyard with him.

I got here only a few minutes ago, and Nancy and Barbara are gonna be here soon as well. Before I got here, I stuffed a bunch of pillows under my blanket at the trailer. I doubt Jim would come in to check on me, but just in case he does, I took extra measures to not get caught.

I look around the house with pursed lips and an impressed nod. It's a huge contrast to my shitty trailer across town. "It's a nice place without the music and the sweaty teenagers."

Steve shrugs and walks over to me after turning on the music. "It's home, and it's usually all mine. My parents aren't around very much."

I hum sarcastically and cross my arms. "I can't imagine why they wouldn't wanna be around you and your oh, so wonderful company."

"I know you're joking, but my company is wonderful," Steve deadpans.

Before I can respond, we hear the doorbell in the front of the house.

"Alright," Steve begins, bouncing on his heels and shaking out his hands. "We play it cool, give them a fun time," He looks to me with a nod. "And A+, here we come."

"Mhm. Play it cool," I nod back, less than convinced that Steve was actually going to act normal.

"Cool. We're cool," Steve hypes himself up before we both walk to the door. Playing it cool, he swings the door open dramatically to the point that the force blows the hair out of my face. He leans his hands on the door frame and gives the two girls on the other side a smug smile. "Hello, ladies."

Jesus H. Christ, this is gonna be a long night.

Steve and I step aside to give the girls room to walk in. "Just this way," Steve smiles, gesturing for them to follow as I shake my head at the boy. We enter into the backyard where Tommy and Carol mess around next to the big heated pool. Steve gestures to the lawn chairs with the same smile that has not left his face. "Take a seat, relax, make yourselves comfortable. We have beverages at the ready to quench your thirst. If you have any questions let me-"

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