12: Stood Up

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overpopulation at the end of everything is less of a worry, haha ('a letter to you' from mother 3) - No Love In The House Of Gold

overpopulation at the end of everything is less of a worry, haha ('a letter to you' from mother 3) - No Love In The House Of Gold

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(Long chapter!! I strongly recommend listening to the song above while reading)

1:45 AM

While sitting in the back of Jonathan's silent car, I lean my head on the seat behind me, sighing at the way the vent above me hits me perfectly with heat. I'm still extremely malnourished, but somehow by just being out of that place, I already feel so much better.

It's not long before Jonathan parks his car in front of my trailer and glances back at me. "We're here," he says quietly.

I peel my eyes open and tilt my head off of my seat, but I don't look at anything except my dirty shoes. I take a second before nodding and opening the car door. "I won't be long."

After getting out, I close the door behind me and keep my eyes on the ground as I begin slowly walking forward, but I don't make it more than a few steps before my mind forces my legs to stop moving. Breathing deeply through my nose, I tilt my head up to look at the place that I had previously spent hours hiding in, begging myself to stay silent as I waited for the creature to return.

I can't help but anticipate the sound of a growl or the feeling of strong arms pushing against my chest. It's like my mind is replaying the events that unfolded before I was taken to that place.

It's a familiar feeling that I know all too well, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

My throat begins to close up, my chest tightens, and a buzzing sound gradually becomes louder and louder in my ears until I turn on my heels and stumble back towards the car.

Nancy quickly rolls down her window when she sees me, allowing me to hold onto her window for stability. "What's wrong?" she asks.

"Um," I glance over my shoulder before closing my eyes and attempting to catch my breath. "I don't wanna go alone."

I feel like such a loser. I've always been known as the tough girl who doesn't take shit from anyone, but here I am scared of my own shadow.

"We'll go with you," Nancy nods with understanding as she feels the same way from only being in that place for a few minutes. The only difference between her and I is that she is the type of girl to be scared. She doesn't have an obligation to be strong. She's probably never had to deal with major hardships in her life. But I have, and I shouldn't be sensitive to it anymore.

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