17: See You Later

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Crystallized - The xx

❝You've applied the pressure to have me crystallized❞

┌────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┐SEE YOU LATER└────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┘(TW // blood)

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┌────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┐
└────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┘
(TW // blood)


After screwing the lightbulbs back into Joyce's Christmas lights, setting up traps, and preparing our weapons that we got from breaking into the police station, Jonathan, Nancy, and I all stand in a circle with kitchen knives in our hands, ready to enact our plan.

"Remember," Jonathan breathes out.

"Straight into Will's room," I recount.

Nancy nods. "Don't step on the trap."

"Wait for the yo-yo to move."

"Then..." Jonathan flips the lighter with a nod.

If this all goes to plan, I won't even have to use my powers.

"Alright. You guys ready?" Jonathan asks.

"Ready," Nancy and I say together before we all hold the knives against our palms.

"On three. One... Two..." Jonathan pauses to look at our faces. Mine is determined, ready to end this once and for all, but Nancy's holds a sense of fear. "You don't have to do this."

"Jonathan stop talking," Nancy whispers.

"I'm just saying, you don't have to-"

"Three!" I interrupt and drag the blade across my palm, the other two following after me. "I would've let you finish your little conversation, but we got a monster to kill."

✧─── • ・ ☾ • ˚ ⋅ ☆ ⋅˚ • ☽ ・ • ───✧

I twiddle the grip of a baseball bat in my bandaged hand as I sit on the floor of the living room with my back against the wall, and the bat in my lap. I had used nails to make the end of the bat spiked, mostly because it looks cool but also for better damage.

Nancy bandages Jonathan's hand on the couch a few feet away from me. It's quiet between us as we wait for the Demogorgon, mentally preparing ourselves for the upcoming fight. Well, at least I am. Nancy and Jonathan more or less look like their trying to keep their eyes off of each other.

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