26: Mom Approved

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Time Of The Season - The Zombies

❝It's the time of the season for loving❞

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After squeezing the water out of my hair with a towel, I wrap the towel around my waist before opening the bathroom door. I sneak semi-quietly as to not gain the attention of my parents downstairs as I approach my room.

It's not like they don't know I'm home. It's Luna that they can't know about.

She's been staying here for two days now under the guise of staying at Nancy's. She understandably doesn't really want to be near the woods by her cabin after coming to terms with her fear of whatever that shadow monster is, but it's also eased my mind having her here so that I can keep an eye on her.

When I get into my room, seeing Luna laying on my bed, clad in my blue crewneck and sweatpants, with my guitar in her arms. A smile slowly spreads over my lips as she picks at the different strings.

"Enjoy your shower?" she asks without looking away from the guitar.

"Would've enjoyed it more if you joined me," I tease, leaning on the wall with crossed arms as Luna rolls her eyes. "Do you know how to play?" I ask, nodding to the guitar.

"Jim tried to teach me a little when I was younger, but I'm pretty shit at it," Luna sits up a bit so her back is flush with my headboard. "How come you've never played for me?"

I shrug and walk over to my dresser, picking out a black shirt and tugging it on. "Didn't know you wanted me to."

"Well, then you should know I'm sucker for guitar players. Maybe if you did, I would've folded sooner."

I pause and look over to her with a dropped jaw. Luna only chuckles and goes back to picking at the guitar strings. I shake my head and pick out a pair of boxers and jeans. "Could you fix my pinky, by the way? The nail polish chipped in the shower."

"Yeah, sure," Luna hums before she looks up. When she does, she sits up and places the guitar next to her on the bed. "Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing?"

I finish bottoming up my jeans. "Getting dressed?"


I chuckle in response. "Well, my parents are going out of town today, and I figured I could go rent a movie for us or something. It's better than sitting in here and doing nothing all day."

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