33: Ahoy

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Boys and Girls - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein

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Hawkins Indiana is a beautiful place during the summer months. The grass is as green as it's ever been, the streets are bustling with kids enjoying their break from school, and the community pool is filled to the brim with families and single moms... or moms that wish they were single. Especially with the new mall in town, nobody spends a whole day at home anymore.

However, I certainly wish I was at home right now.

"Lou?" A knock on the door in front of me makes me tilt my head up with a groan as the pain in my abdomen increases.

"Hurry up," I groan and the employee bathroom door opens, revealing Steve.

"Sorry it took so long, the line at target was crazy," he says, handing me a box of tampons I requested, forgetting extra at home, along with my change.

"Thanks," I say. Steve nods and closes the door.

Summer is fun and all, but not when I'm on the worst day of my period and have to take demands from sticky children all day. After washing my hands, I smooth out my uniform in the mirror before entering the main part of Scoops Ahoy, mine and Steve's summer job.

"Ready?" Steve asks, handing me my lanyard attached to my wallet, along with a cold coke. I take the items with a nod, too tired to reply since El's music kept me up all night.

As we're walking past Robin, our coworker, who's putting a mop away, she twiddles her fingers at us with a smirk. "Hope he wasn't bringing you a pregnancy test in there. Night, lovebirds."

Steve shakes his head and wraps an arm around me as I flip her off with one hand and hold the box of tampons up with the other.

I actually like Robin, even though she can be damn annoying sometimes. But, with annoyance comes humor, so I don't complain... that often. To be honest, it's fun to gang up on Steve with her while we're working. It makes the time pass faster.

After parting ways with Steve with a kiss, I make my way to our cabin, trying to keep my eyes open along the way. Once I pull into the gravel driveway, I park my car and walk up to the door. Getting inside, I'm greeted to the sight of my dad moping on his lazy boy, a large bowl of popcorn in his lap with a movie playing on the box TV in front of him.

"He's still here?" I ask, listening to the sounds of music and giggling coming from El's room.

"I think I hate him..." he says before leaning back slowly in his chair causing the chair to emit awkward creaking sounds while I watch in silence. Once he's as far back as he can go, his eyes widen at what he sees in El's room. "Hey!"

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