20: Meeting the Parents

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Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat

❝You were the one that they talked about around town as they put you down❞

❝You were the one that they talked about around town as they put you down❞

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5:55 PM

I heat up my clasped hands that sit in my coat pockets as I make my way to the front door of Steve's house. I'm still a little pissed off from my visit to the Lab earlier today, so I'm hoping that seeing Steve will be able to calm me down. Going over to his house isn't a rare occurrence. I usually come over when I need to get away from home for a while. Something about being around Steve just makes me feel at ease. It's hard to explain, but him and I just have a way of calming each other down.

I knock on the door before quickly putting my hands back into my pockets for warmth. I wait a good 20 seconds before the door opens to reveal a woman I have never seen before.

She has long brown hair with golden highlights that have been manually curled. She has thin, arched eyebrows, Steve's eyes and nose, and she's wearing a maroon blouse with black pants like she's just come home from work.

My eyebrows raise in surprise. "Oh, hi. Um, I'm Luna. I'm friends with Steve. You must be his mom."

The woman smiles in surprise and holds out a hand for me to shake. "I'm Shelly. Steve talks a lot about you."

"All good things, I hope," I say through an awkward laugh.

"Oh, trust me. That boy practically worships you. And, I can see why. You're very beautiful," She winks, causing my cheeks to flush with embarrassment. She smiles at my reaction before stepping aside. "Please, come in. I'll get Steve."

"Thanks," I say as I step in and wipe my shoes off on the mat. Shelly closes the door behind me before walking up the stairs, leaving me to bounce on my heels as I wait.

So Steve's mom has cougar energy. Strangely, I'm not surprised.

Before long, Shelly comes back down with Steve right behind her. "Dinner's almost ready. You should join us," Shelly smiles.

"Sure, yeah," I nod, smiling as politely as possible. Shelly smiles back before making her way towards the kitchen. When she leaves, I turn towards Steve with a glare. "Why the hell didn't you tell me your mom was gonna be here?" I whisper harshly.

Steve holds his hands out with eyes that look almost equally as worried as mine. "In my defense, they came back early from a work trip."

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