25: Alcoholics Anonymous

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Shout - Tears For Fears

❝In violent times

You shouldn't have to sell your soul❞

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I've been keeping a close eye on Luna since we woke up. This morning, I let her sleep in a little, knowing that she had to have been exhausted from yesterdays events.

The breakdown, not sex.

Although, she might be exhausted from that too.

Either way, she's been by my side all day besides the classes that we don't share, but I'm always there to walk her to her next one. Even after school, she sits in the bleachers as I have basketball practice, although I'm kind of regretting having her watch right now.

We're doing a scrimmage game, and although Billy Hargrove is new to the school, by the way he's playing, I wouldn't be surprised if our coach benched me for him. He's a great player, but he's also a grade-A asshole.

Our coach blows his whistle, and I dribble to the middle of the court where I come head to head with Billy. Even if he hasn't said anything yet, I'm tempted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face. To make matters worse, we're playing shirts vs skins, and of course he has a six pack. I attempt to get past him, but he cuts me off and shoves his body into mine, leaning against me. "Harrington, right? I heard you used to run this school. That true? King Steve, they used to call you, huh? Then you turned bitch."

I grunt in annoyance. "Hey, maybe you should just shut up and just play the game."

I'm distracted by looking for open teammates to pass to, and Billy uses this to his advantage by shoving me off balance and grabbing the ball. I scramble to my feet, but I'm not quick enough before Billy shoots a basket, earning high fives and praise from other players.

"Whoo!" Tommy cheers as he pats Billy on his back. "That's what I'm talking about!"

I squint my eyes at Billy, but I can't help myself from looking over to Luna to see her reaction. To my relief, she's rolling her eyes at the same person who's getting on my last nerve.

That is until Nancy comes into the gym and walks up to Luna.

I watch as Nancy says something, and Luna reluctantly nods. Luna looks over at me and nods to the doors, silently letting me know where she's going.

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