27: Might Be a Mother

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Hammer To Fall - Queen

❝Toe your line and okay their game, yeah

Let the anesthetic cover it all

Till one day they call your name

You know it's time for the hammer to fall❞

┌────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┐MIGHT BE A MOTHER└────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┘

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Steve, Dustin, and I sit in silence after Dustin finishes explaining everything that's been going on with him. Apparently, he found a lizard on Halloween night that grew to the size of a large dog in a matter of days, and killed his cat before he hit it into his cellar with a hockey stick, all while keeping this a secret from his friends and his mother.

I roll my lips together and crease my eyebrows deep in thought, listening to the sound of the quiet radio that takes up the otherwise awkward silence in Steve's car.

"Wait a sec. How big?" Steve speaks up for the first time since Dustin's long-winded explanation.

I look into the rear view mirror to watch as Dustin holds his fingers a few inches apart. "First he was like that," Dustin moves his hands a few feet apart. "Now he's like this."

Steve sighs and shakes his head. "I swear to god, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?"

"It's not a lizard," Dustin insists.

"How do you know?"

"How do I know if it's not just a lizard?"

"Yeah, how do you know if it's not just a lizard?!"

"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat," Dustin reveals, sending the car back into silence.

I look down, blinking as I try to wrap my brain around what is happening. But, then I remember a very important detail.

"I have a question," I turn and lean my hand on the shoulder of my seat, laughing awkwardly. "And, I'm just thinking out loud here but, uh... Did this creature happen to have a yellow spot on its butt?"

Dustin leans forward and squints his eyes. "How did you know that?"

My eyes widen and I face forward in my seat, my body deflating as I come to the realization. "I think I might be a mother."

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