13: Birthday Party and a Broken Nose

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Fever - The Cramps

❝Romeo loves Juliet

Juliet, she felt the same

But when she puts her arms around him

He said, 'Juliet, baby, you're to blame'❞

┌────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┐BIRTHDAY PARTY ANDA BROKEN NOSE└────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┘

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I feel a gentle hand shake my shoulder before I wake up from my dreamless sleep. I ended up falling asleep after Jonathan and I talked last night. I think last night is the first time I've actually talked to someone about my life while being sober, and while I'm not sure I'll do it again any time soon, I think I feel a little better for the time being because of it.

I turn my head and open my eyes as I take in the room around me. Nancy is sitting on the bed next to me with a biology textbook in her lap, and Jonathan is sitting on the bed in front of her. They both look like they've been talking for a while already.

"What? What is it?" I ask in a mumble, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes.

"Did you seriously sleep all night?" Nancy asks, and from the dark circles under her eyes. She must've woken up from a nightmare like I did in the middle of the night.

I glance at Jonathan before answering. "Yep. All night. Staying awake for two days straight has consequences. Who knew?" I defend, sitting up and crossing my legs while situating the blanket over me. It's a bit more of a struggle to move today because of my stomach. It's a lot more sensitive than it was last night.

"We would've let you sleep more, but we have some questions," Jonathan tells me.

I groan and cover my face with my hands. "Oh, god. This is worse than falling asleep at a one night stand."

"Luna, please," Nancy sighs. I gesture for her to go on with my hand. "That thing last night, it was about to attack you, right? So, that means that it's a predator, and it seems to hunt at night like a lion or a coyote," Nancy flips to a page in the textbook of the animals.

"Jesus, Nance," I widen my eyes. "You were seriously up all night researching?"

"Unlike you, I couldn't stay asleep," She explains quickly before getting back on the topic. "When you were in there, did you ever see more than one of those things?"

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