Chapter Fourteen

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Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

November 14, 2022.

Andrey Butler's Point Of View.

I leave the school's court and go towards the boys' locker room so I can shower, change clothes and leave.

"Andrey!" I turn my face back as I continue walking and see Ashley a little ways away, making a little run to catch up with me, so I stop walking and wait for her.

"What's up Owens?"

"Hi Butler. How are you?"

"I'm good. And what about you?"

"I'm fine too," she says and I smile. "I want to call you to come to Amour when class is over."

"Only me and you?" I ask and she denies it. "Who is going with us?"

"David, Ryan, Bryan and Mad," and I deny it.

"I think I better not."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to see Bryan and I don't know if she wants to see me," I speak and she laughs, making me awkward. "What is the fun?"

"You two always have the wrong view of what the other really wants."

"What do you mean?"

"She wants to see you, that's why she asked me to come here and call you," and while I am extremely happy to hear that, I am also confused because of what I heard from Bryan earlier.

"She wants to see me?"

"She told me what made you break up and I was outraged at what you did, but even so, she still knows that you love her and that you are a good person for her to have around, so she wants you to be there."

"And why didn't she come to call me herself?" I ask and she arches a serious eyebrow.

"And why didn't you go ask her who knew where she was instead of asking Bryan?" and I am surprised.

"Did he tell you what we talked about?" I ask because I can't believe he told her everything.

"He said he ignored you when you asked this," and I let out a wry laugh.

"So he didn't tell you the part where I asked if he is in love with her and he didn't deny it?" I ask and she denies in surprise.

"So that's why I saw that he was kind of angry that she was asking about you.. he likes her." She says more to herself than to me. "So what now?"

"And now I don't know, because according to him, he was the one who picked her up from the place she was at, which means they were talking to each other," I give a short pause to think whether or not I should speak what is on my mind. "I don't know, but I'm thinking of trying to get over her." I can't hide the sadness I feel for saying this.

Madison was the first girl I ever liked. She was the first girl I told my parents about. She was the first girl I wanted to have something with. Maybe that's why this idea hurts.

Flashback On: Three months ago.

"I miss my school days. So many good memories," my father comments as he, my mother and I watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

"Yes. Adolescence brings us so many learnings and experiences. When we are teenagers, we live everything with such intensity," my mom speaks and my father agrees.

"Yes honey."

"Even to think that someone is beautiful, we think that the person is beautiful with a greater intensity," my mother speaks and gives a small laugh at her last sentence, being accompanied by my father.

Since my mother brings up the subject of thinking that someone is pretty, I think about telling them about Mad, but I feel my heart racing and my hands trembling with nervousness just at the thought. I think it is because I have never told them about any girl.

I have thought many girls beautiful during my life, but only Madison has made me want my parents to know about her.

"There's a girl there at school that I think is beautiful. And not only beautiful physically, but also beautiful in personality." I take courage and say, making them look at me in surprise.

"Has she been studying with you for a while?" My father asks and I deny it.

"No no, she joined the school this year." And they look at me confused.

"So it hasn't been a week since you met her?" My mother asks and I deny it embarrassed, feeling deluded. "She must really be all that you're talking about. Do you have pictures of her?"

"Yes I do," I say picking up my cell phone and logging onto Instagram.

I log into her account and show the pictures that are available on her profile to my parents.

"Wow, she's really pretty," my mother opines and I smile.

"I think so too."

"Are you taking an interest in her, son?" My dad asks.

"Maybe.." I answer and they look at each other happily, making me feel relieved and also happy that I told them about her.

Flashback Off.

I don't want to be with her if it makes her sad, and I don't want to be with her if it makes us fight about Bryan.

"Look, you know I love you, so I support whatever you think is best for you. If liking her isn't doing you any more good, I support it, but I think it's best if you guys talk it over before you take any action."

"Yeah.. the boys told me this too."

"So do that so that at least you guys end up being friends. Because only you can clear each other's doubts." And I agree.

"Then tell her I will come."

"Okay." She agrees happily.

She turns to leave, but then comes back.

"Just to be clear, I prefer Mad with you, and I know Mad herself does too." I let a smile form on my lips.

"Thank you. Me too." She laughs and we turn to each other, each going our own way.

Ashley and the boys are really right. Madison and I have to talk, because we are the only ones who can resolve our unresolved issues.

I decide that I will make a decision only after we talk. I will only give up on her when I hear from her own mouth that they are together. I will only give up on her if I hear from her own mouth that she doesn't want me anymore and not give up on her because Bryan made it sound like they are together and told me that she deserves someone better.

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