Chapter Fourty Two

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Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

December 15, 2022.

Madison Stone's Point Of View.

"My head is hurting," Ashley speaks after we coincidentally finish the algebra test at the same time and leave the math room.

"Tell me about it! The test was really hard," I comment and she agrees.

"My life was easier when they didn't mix numbers with letters," and I laugh, because she speaks that really indignant.

"I have to say that you're right."

"I'm glad I don't have to come to school next week."

"Me too. These vacation days will come at a good time."

"And put good time in it. I need a break from school."

"Are you going to take a trip somewhere?" I ask as we walk toward the school exit.

"Yes," she replies excitedly. "I'm going to Aspen to go ice skiing."

"That's cool," I say and she looks at me.

"What about you? Where are you spending Christmas?"

"I don't know. Probably Christopher and my mother will want to travel, but if we really go, they haven't told me yet."

"They finally assumed that they are together, huh? Although everyone already knew," and I agree as we leave the school and start walking towards the parking lot.

"Yes. They are so happy that they are living together. You have to see, they have a very great connection, it seems like they have been living together for years and not days."

"I know. I can see that from the moment I saw them together. By the way, have you guys finished tidying up everything in the new house yet?"

"Pretty much, yes. There are only a few things left now. Things that with time we will tidy up, since what we needed to tidy up urgently, we have already done."

"So you can go to the dance now, right?" She asks and we arrive at our cars, the same ones that are parked next to each other.

"I don't know.. I am thinking about whether or not I will go."

"Oh, come on, Madison? Are you going to leave me alone?" And I laugh sarcastically.

"I'm sure you will be very well accompanied," I speak, making her smile, and unlock my car, opening its door so I can get in, and she does the same in her car.

"Later I'm going to go see your new house," she warns and I agree.

"You can go. Take advantage of this and bring your clothes and your school bag so that you can sleep there and we can come to school together tomorrow," I invite her and she claps her hands playfully.

"That's what good friends do," and I smile.

"So I will see you later?" 


"Then see you later."

"See you later," we 'say goodbye' and go to get into our cars, but I hear people yelling my name, so we give up, me for wanting to know what they want with me and Ashley out of curiosity, turning around and seeing Abigail and Sophia running towards us.

"I wonder what they want to talk to you about?" Ashley questions and I deny with my head, really curious.

"I have no clue," I say going and propping myself up on the hood of my car and waiting for them to approach us, which happens a short time later.

"Mad, are you going to the trial tomorrow?" Abigail asks me right after she stops in front of me with Sophia and greets me and Ashley, the same who closes her car door and stops beside me.

"Um.. I'm not aware of any trial," I answer the question I was asked half lost.

"Weren't you called to attend?" Sophia looks at me in surprise and my two other friends also stare at me the same way.

"At least not that I know of."

"Christopher didn't tell you anything?" Ashley asks and I deny it.

"No. He hasn't opened his mouth to talk about that subject since the day Alexander was arrested."

After Alexander was arrested, I asked Christopher not to tell me anything more about the case, because I wanted to leave this event behind and move on with my life and when I left home today to come to school, my mother and he had already left for work, so I guess that's why I didn't see and wasn't warned about this summons.

"When did you guys learn about this trial?" I ask looking at the two girls in front of me.

"We got the summons this morning," Abigail replies for her and Sophia and I agree.

"And you will?" I ask and they agree.

"Unfortunately we don't have any good reason to not to show up and not be subpoenaed and fined for it later," Sophia ironizes and we give a weak laugh.

"I'm going home now then to see if anything came in for me and I will let you know," I speak leaning back from the hood and they agree. "Thanks for coming here to let me know that, girls."

"Not at all," and I smile.

"You guys want a ride?" I offer and they both accept.

"Yes. I do. I don't feel like walking home today," Abigail says.

"Me too. I don't want to take the bus either," and I agree giving a small laugh, so we say goodbye to Ashley and get into my car, with Abigail sitting next to me in the passenger seat and Sophia in the seat behind the one Abigail is in.

"Do you have any notion why Christopher didn't tell you anything about Alexander case anymore?" Abigail asks as soon as I pull out of the school parking lot and honk into Ashley's car, which takes a different route from ours.

"Because I asked him not to talk to me about it anymore," I say and feel their gaze weighs on me. "I was doing everything in my power to get this chapter of my life closed as soon as possible, because I've never liked reliving things that hurt me, so when Alexander was arrested I thought that was the ideal moment to do that and never see him or hear his name again, but apparently I was wrong."

"But if you are called, which probably happened and you just don't know it yet, he won't be able to protect you."

"I don't think he's hidden it from me, he just hasn't learned about it yet. "

"Do you guys think there's a chance the judge will decide to let him go and let Williams go unpunished?" Sophia asks and I glance at her quickly trough the rearview mirror, seeing that she looks worried that this might happen.

"I'm afraid that will happen," Abigail comments.

"I don't think he will be released. I would think so if it was just my word against his, but that's not what happened. It's several allegations against him."

"Hopefully you are right," Sophia speaks and I look at both of them after stopping the car at the red light.

"This situation is already too stressful, so even though it's hard, let's try to think positive." 

I try to comfort them and they smile, causing me to be comforted as well, because even though I said that, there is still a part of me that is afraid that what Sophia said is right.

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