Chapter Thirty Three

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Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

November 22, 2022.

Madison Stone's Point Of View.

The other teachers in the school, with the help of the police officers who are with them, start putting all the students into the school, telling us to go to the auditorium.

"Will we still have class?" Ryan questions as we walk toward the place we were told to go.

"I have no idea."

"Oh, now that I've stopped to think about it," Bryan says, getting everyone's attention.

"Stopped to think about what?" David asks.

"What happened to the director? Did he get away with all this?" And now that I've stopped to think about that too, because I was so happy about Alexander's arrest that I hadn't even thought about it.

"I think it's very hard that he got away with it," I say conviced, because I really believe that.

We enter the auditorium and see what a mess it is. All the seats in the place are taken, so there are many students standing around, making the auditorium very crowded and noisy.

Susan, the same one who seems so shocked by what has happened that she seems to be at a loss as to what to do at the moment, gets up on stage holding a microphone and faces the crowd of euphoric students.

"Good morning Royalty!" And the conversation in the place is so loud that you can't even hear her voice properly. "I kindly ask everyone to be quiet, as what I have to talk about is of great importance," she speaks in an extremely serious tone and louder than she had spoken before, causing silence to quickly settle in the auditorium.

"I don't think she knew what they were doing," Andrey whispers in my ear and I agree.

"I think the same thing."

"As you all saw, there was a protest at the school entrance against Principal Williams and Teacher Alexander with very serious accusations. I just found out that some female students reported the teacher and the principal a few days ago and so, the police came today with an arrest warrant for teacher Alexander and a temporary removal warrant for the school principal until the investigations are over."

And my happiness only increases, because Williams was Alexander's accomplice all this time and if he was an accomplice it is because he agreed with his co-worker's attitudes, so it is more than fair that he pays for his attitudes too.

"In view of this situation, today's classes will be suspended so that I, the rest of the coordination team and the teachers at the school can think about what we are going to do from now on," she says and the auditorium starts to make noisy.

"It looks like this protest has brought more good things than we thought," Ryan says cheerfully, making the boys laugh.

"There is no reason to have a celebration here," she speaks indignantly and everyone falls silent again. "I don't want to take the joy away from those who sought and succeeded in getting justice done, but for those of you who are celebrating just because there will be no class today, please know that what happened was very serious and that this is a horrible stain that will remain forever in the history of this school."

And I agree with what she says. Many people here are probably not celebrating because they won't have class today, but because they can't contain their joy at seeing justice being done.

"Royalty High School owes an apology to all the people who suffered something at their hands. I apologize for this unacceptable mistake by the school. I am sorry that we were not able to maintain a safe environment for everyone," she says and I can see from her tone of voice that she is really upset about the situation.

The school psychologist, Margaret, comes on stage as well and borrows the microphone from coordinator Susan, which makes me wonder how I never had the idea to go after her to report what had happened.

I think it is because the students only went to the psychologist when the principal referred them there, and this did not happen to me.

"I wanted to follow up on what Susan said and apologize for the entire Guidance Service of the school to the students who have experienced some sort of harassment from teacher Alexander and principal Williams for not realizing what was happening and consequently not giving them the support they needed," she speaks and the auditorium remains silent. "Uhm.. I will turn the floor back over to coordinator Susan. Thank you for listening," she hands the microphone to Susan and steps down from the stage.

"I want you to know that we will make it a point to call the parents and guardians of all of you here to apologize to them, because it is the least we can do, since they put you here to study and not to be disrespected," and now the auditorium claps.

"It's easy to apologize after that creep already got what he wanted," Andrey grumbles and I think it's beautiful how he actually put himself in the shoes of the victims of this story.

"I think it's nice that they are apologizing on behalf of the school, but it's Alexander and Williams who owe an apology here," I say.

"And I'm sure they won't do that," and I agree, turning my attention back to the coordinator.

"Thank you for your attention and you can go to your homes. Once again I apologize for what happened and I am sorry that your teaching has to be interrupted so that we can try to fix this big mistake," she steps down from the stage and a tumult is created at the door of the auditorium as the students begin to leave.

The staff and I leave a few minutes later, when the tumult is less, walking towards the school exit.

"Yeah. Now you have one less problem," Andrey says as we walk in front of the rest of the staff and I smile.

"Yes. That was my biggest problem at the moment and now it's almost solved, all that's left is Williams to be fired."

"But you're more reliefed now, right?" He asks and looks at me thoughtfully.


"So now that you're calmer, is there any chance you might want to start dating again?"

"Andrey!" I scold him seriously just to see his reaction.

"Sorry! I don't mean to rush you. I just really wanted to know," and I laugh at how quickly and desperately he speaks.

"I'm just kidding with you.. I will think about it, okay Andrey?" And he agrees with a smile on his face.

Now that Alexander has been arrested and Williams has at least been removed, I think that in a while I will be willing to go back with him.

"Of course it's okay."

"Let's go over to my place, have a pizza and celebrate?" David walks in between the two of us, putting his arms around our necks. "And there's no point in denying it, because the rest of the guys have already accepted."

"So that's not an invitation," I say and he agrees.

"Really. This is just a warning. We're going to my place for pizza," and we laugh. "Now I will leave my favorite ex-couple alone," and he goes back to where he was.

"Who do you think is more supportive of the two of us being together? David or Ashley?" I ask really curious.

"I think it's a hard fought battle," and we laugh.

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