Chapter Fourty Eight

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Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

December 16, 2022.

Madison Stone's Point Of View.

We arrive at the confectioner's, but don't order anything, because we will wait for Baker, who according to my mother, is already arriving.

"Guys, I'm going to take care of something in my office. When Chris comes in, tell him I'm there and you can place your orders," my mother says and we agree, then she goes to the place she said she was going.

"Man, 17 years in prison.. by the time he finishes his sentence we will be 33 years old," Bryan comments surprised after we sit down at the table.

"By me his sentence would be even greater," Ashley says.

"He was distraught and denying what he had heard as if he was the victim and they had made a mistake," Ryan says angrily and I agree.

"And on top of that he said it was my fault," I say remembering the moment I felt obligated to answer Alexander.

"Not even in my wildest dreams did I imagine his pity would be that great," Abigail speaks up and we agree.

I was rooting for him to be convicted, but I didn't imagine that the sentence would be 17 years and 6 months, which made me happy and relieved.

"As Ashley said, for me the penalty would have been greater," Andrey says.

"For me too," David agrees.

"But now let's talk about the best part of those two trials." And we look at Ashley.

"What was the best part?" I ask curious.

"David coughing at the time Robert asked Williams how his relationship was with the students," she recalls and we start to laugh.

"Yes. That was certainly the best part." Bryan agrees laughing.

"You are to be congratulated, David! But you could have done that when Alexander answered that same question too," Sophia says, tapping him lightly on the shoulder.

"I agree with Sophia. I even thought that when Alexander lied about his relationship with the students."

"I held myself back from laughing when you coughed, David," Ashley speaks up and he denies it.

"But it really wasn't on purpose. I wasn't going to do something like that, he might decide to arrest me," and now we laugh more.

"Imagine 'Boy gets arrested for coughing on Trial', it would be hilariously sad," Andrey comments and as we laugh, David doesn't seem to see it as funny..

"But seriously, it's great to know that now they will pay for their mistakes and that now we don't have to worry about this anymore," He says and we agree, but we also know that he is trying to change our attention from him to the trials.

"Yes. I feel that the weight that was on my back is gone," I say relieved.

"By the way, Robert is a good lawyer," he compliments and we all agree, for indeed, Robert did a great job.

"Speaking of Robert, I didn't even see him leave," Andrey comments.

"He left when you, Ashley and Mad were talking," Bryan replies, making my eyes widen.

"Oh, that must be why I didn't see it," and as much as it is a small exchange of words, I am surprised to see them talking to each other again, and from the look on our friends' faces, I can see that I wasn't the only one.

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