Chapter Two

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San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

November 8, 2022.

Madison Stone's Point Of View.

I leave the beauty salon happy with the result I got. I cut my hair to shoulder length. I had wanted to do this for a long time, so I took advantage of the fact that I was here and had no one to stop me and decided to change my look. I thought about dyeing it too, but then decided it was better not to.

I don't know, but when I come back, I want to come back with something different, if only in my physique.

It's been a week since I left Los Angeles. I am staying in the beach house that my parents have here. I feel that I am a little better already, as no more problems have arisen and I am having a little peace, at least in this sense.

I cross the street and enter the LAN House that is across the street from the salon. I want to use a computer to do some research related to harassment lawsuits, since I turned off my cell phone so that it wouldn't be traced.

I think it's strange that I haven't been found yet, because I don't think that where I am is such a difficult place to be discovered and also because, to be honest, I thought I would be found and taken home again the day after I left.

I wonder how my mother is doing, if she is looking for me, what she thought of the letter and if she is okay. I'm afraid that she thinks that I ran away to do something bad.

I also wonder if my father knows about my disappearance, the answer to which I am almost certain is no, making me realize that these past few days, the last thing on my mind is him.

I think that after Anthony had his accident, my feelings for my father diminished. I know he wasn't to blame for what happened, but he was to blame when he abandoned us, because that's what he did, since after that day, he never showed up again, and if Anthony hadn't gone to help him, he might be alive now and consequently I wouldn't have left the place where I lived.

I feel that I finally got tired of running after his love. I realized that if he wanted to love me, he would love me without me having to try so hard. I realized that if he loved the family he had, he wouldn't have left us behind so easily. It hurts, but it is the truth and I accepted it.

I also wonder how my friends are doing. I am sure that when I get back Ashley will give me a tug on my ear and then hug me, Ryan will be relieved, David will be happy and give me a bear hug, Bryan will give me a long lecture but then he will be happy that I am okay, at least I think I will be, and Andrey.. well, after what happened, I can't imagine what his reaction would be.

I was disappointed enough that Andrey was not there when I needed him most, that he wanted me to go after him, when the one who, even if he had done nothing, owed me an explanation, was him, but I was even more disappointed when I saw him implying that I still wanted Bryan, when I had already told him that he had fallen into Sarah's trap and that I only wanted him.

To be honest, I didn't feel angry at Sarah for liking Andrey, I just didn't feel comfortable with it, but after finding out that she, Emily and those friends of hers, who to this day I don't know the name of, spread personal problems of mine around the school, I was quite upset and a resentment of them arose in me.

I go to the cashier and pay the amount to use one of the computers for an hour, as I think it will be enough time to see what I want. The guy unlocks one of the unoccupied ones and I thank him, going right away to the computer he released me.

I sit down in front of the computer and log into its browser, starting to research the subject about which I need to deepen my knowledge.

I am really determined to make Alexander pay for what he did and not only him, but also Principal Williams, because from the moment you cover up or take the side of a criminal, you become his accomplice and consequently you also become a criminal.

I click on a headline and start reading it, realizing right away that I was right to hand write a request stating what happened and hand it to the principal, and that I was also right to have a copy of the paper signed, as this proves that the school board was aware of what happened.

I read some more and I see that what I read years ago was also right. If the educational institution does not answer your request, you can file a lawsuit for moral damages, because it has autonomy to seek solutions to the situation and it is its obligation to maintain a respectful environment. If it fails to take measures to prevent and repress this type of event, it is breaking this rule and that is where the justice come in and give the victim the right to compensation.

After a few minutes, I finish reading that headline and click on another one, the same one that after reading it makes me feel really bad, because this is my biggest problem in this situation.

"Without evidence, you can do virtually nothing to make the sexual harassment stop or be compensated for what you have suffered," I read the short excerpt to myself again and take a deep breath, trying to think of something I can do.

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