Chapter Fourty One

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Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

December 10, 2022.

Madison Stone's Point Of View.

After organizing as much as I could, getting my things out of the car, getting Anthony's plants with the help of my mom and Baker, putting two of them in the plant arrangement in the kitchen and the other two on the kitchen counter, and putting my picture frames on the nightstand, I sigh tiredly.

I take a shower to ease my fatigue and leave my room, going down to the kitchen to see if there is anything to eat, since I am starving, finding Baker and my mother in the room.

"Honey, sit down. Christopher made us some bolognese pasta to eat," my mother says as she puts the cutlery on the table and I agree smiling.

"Hmm... does it smell good or is it because I'm hungry?" I joke as I sit down.

"Both of them, Madison. Both of them!" Baker replies in jest as well, and we laugh.

"Daughter, get the glasses that are in that box, please," and I agree, getting up and walking over to the box she spoke of, picking up three glasses and placing them on the table next to each of our plates.

"First meal in the new house!" Christopher says excitedly as he puts the pan with the noodles on the table, so the three of us sit down at it.

Christopher put some of the food he made on our plates and soon after, we start to eat.

"Wow, you're good in the kitchen, huh Christopher?" I say after swallowing the amount of noodles I put in my mouth and my mother agrees.

"Yeah. This is great," my mom compliments him and he smiles.

"Thanks, girls."

"Angelina and Marilyn aren't coming here until Monday, right?" I ask and then put more noodles in my mouth.

"Yes. I gave them the day off," and I agree.

We eat in silence for a few minutes, but I notice a certain exchange of glances between Baker and my mother, already making me think that this is going to be the right moment he had told me about earlier.

"Daughter, Christopher and I have something to tell you," my mother speaks excitedly and I nod happily my head in agreement as a way of saying I am listening, as my mouth is busy at the moment with my food.

She looks at Christopher and then at me again, who stares at them intently. They will assume their courtship to me. This is my moment!

"Your mother and I want to tell you that we are dating," Baker confirms what I already knew and I smile at both of them.

"I already knew that! I was just waiting for you guys to take over. Congrats to you both!" I say happily and eat some more of the pasta.

"And we also want to tell you that the three of us are going to live together in this house." My mom communicates me and I choke when I hear this coming out of my her mouth.

I expected a "we are dating" and not a "we are moving in together".

"Madison!" My mother quickly stands up and pats me on the back.

"Have some juice!" Christopher speaks giving me my glass and I do as he speaks after the food goes down.

I interchange my gaze between the two adults sitting at the table with me and give a brief sigh, responding to the news that was given to me shortly thereafter.

"Look.. I am extremely happy that you have finally admitted that you are together, because as you know, from the first time I saw you together, I support a relationship of you, but.. don't you guys think it's too early for you to move in together?"

"No, I think we're mature enough to live together, but if we see that we've jumped the gun, we won't see a problem with living apart again," Baker speaks and I agree, taking another sip of my juice before answering him.

"Yeah.. you're right. So.. if you already want to move in together, that's fine with me, because I know you're adults and you know what you're doing," I give my "permission" and they smile.

"Besides, you will have a male figure at home, someone who cares about you like Anthony did," my mother adds and now I deny it.

"Don't compare him to Anthony, please," I speak to her.

"That wasn't my intention, dear," she defends herself.

"I know that's not what you meant, Mom, but please don't say that anymore, because I don't want you Christopher.." I look directly at him. "Replace Anthony, because that's never going to happen. I want you to be Christopher, who I like and know that I can count on."

"I know I will never be able to replace Anthony, Madison, and I don't even want that. I think your mom just meant that you will have more of a shoulder to lean on, although you already knew that before we told you we were moving in together," Christopher says and I am impressed that he always speaks calmly.

"I know, it's just.." I deny with my head as I stare at my plate and stir my noodles with my fork slowly. "Never mind."

"No. Speak what you are thinking," and I lift my gaze to face my mother.

"I don't want to ruin this special moment for us," I give a weak smile and she smiles back.

"Okay, then."

"Have you brought your things here yet, Christopher?" I ask trying to show that although I was surprised, I really liked the news they told me and Christopher smiles.

"I brought some boxes with clothes, shoes and personal things. But I'm going to bring more stuff, and I'm also going to help Barbara buy new furniture.." and he starts talking excitedly about the things he plans to do now that he will be living with us, making me smile at the animation in his tone of voice.


I finish putting on my pajamas and after spritzing on some perfume on me, I lie in bed really tired and sleepy.

After we had dinner, we washed the dishes and tidied up a few things downstairs. Then I helped them carry some boxes of clothes to their room, helping them put some of them away as well.

Today was a day full of things to do and tomorrow will probably be the same way, but I enjoyed the time we had together, as a family.

I spend a few more minutes mentally planning the order in which I will do the things I have to do tomorrow, and then I eventually fall asleep.

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