Chapter Twenty Nine

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Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

November 21, 2022.

Madison Stone's Point Of View.

"Am I too late?" He gives me a shy smile as he approaches us and I deny it.

"No, no. We just started talking now. Grab a chair and sit with us," I say happily and he does as I ask, taking a chair and placing it next to Sophia's, which was the only seat available.

"Go on, Madison," Ashley looks at me thoughtfully.

"Oh sure... um... Christopher told us that he came back out of a strategy of feigning normalcy and that the police station still hasn't gotten an answer on what to do."

"So we will have to put up with that creep until Justice says what they have to do?" Abigail asks indignantly and I agree ruefully.

"He said probably by Wednesday they would be told what to do," David speaks and our requests come in, so no one says anything.

"Hi Emma," I greet her.

"Hi Madison, hi boys," she greets the boys who also arrived later.

"Emma, bring a piece of strawberry pie filled with cream cheese for Bryan please," I make the request for him, because I know he would ask for it.

"Coming right up!" She says and after placing the plates with the cutlery on the table, she walks away.

"Back to what we were talking about, no matter when the answer comes, we can't stay another day with him at school," and I agree with Sophia, trying to think of something to do about it.

"What if we held a protest tomorrow at school?"

"And how would we do that?" Ryan asks, and everyone looks at me curiously.

"We would post on an anonymous account and share on ours stories a call for all those who didn't like Alexander's return to protest tomorrow in favor of him leaving the school."

"Good idea! The principal hates scandals, so let's piss him off too," Ashley agrees with the idea cheerfully.

"The way he is, he might fire the teacher just so that the parents of the students won't go to him to find out why their children don't like him," and now I disagree with Andrey.

"I don't know, but I think the principal has his tail tied to the teacher. If he fires him, Alexander will probably talk about Williams covering for him, causing the principal to get screwed too."

"Then let's protest against the principal, too. Surely he has disregarded the bad experiences of a lot of people in that school, and not just on the issue of harassment, but bullying and stuff," and everyone looks at Bryan.

"Great idea!" I say and everybody agrees.

"So.. what are we waiting for? Let's make this account and post it. The sooner we do, the more people the post will reach by morning," Andrey says.

"I can make an account and a post that will get people's attention," Ryan offers and we agree, so he takes out his cell phone and starts doing what he has in mind.

Emma returns with Bryan's dessert, who smiles and thanks her, reminding me that I asked for something to eat too, so I cut off a piece of my oreo pie and pop it in my mouth.

"Since we've settled everything, we could celebrate by eating a pie just like yours, right Mad?" Ashley suggests and everyone laughs. "What? We have to celebrate our idea."

"Okay. You all can ask anything you want," and when I finish speaking, Ashley, Ryan, Abigail and Sophia get up and walk over to the counter.

Some time later...

Ryan posts the notice on the account he created and we all log in to our accounts as well, sharing the post on our stories.

And like any gathering of friends, after doing what is in our power at the moment, we change the subject and talk about nonsense and random things because no one deserves to talk about something that is not good for them.

"Just because we were happy they were talking to each other again." David whispers as he sees me watching Bryan and Andrey returning from the bathroom next to each other, but ignoring each other again.

"I guess we celebrated too soon."

"Yeah.." and I understand what he wants.

"Just ask what you want to know."

"Do you think this time they have any chance of ever speaking to each other again?" He looks at me worried and I look back at him.

"I really don't know. And what about you?"

"I think it will be difficult even if you ask them." I nod.

"Do you think I was wrong not to talk to Bryan even though I thought he already knew I only wanted him as a friend?"

"I don't think so, because it was clear since you were with Andrey and still talked about him when you broke up. And besides, it's really hard to talk about your feelings to a person when they don't tell you about theirs," and I agree.

"Yes! I was embarrassed just at the thought of talking to him about it," I say and look at Bryan, who looks at me back and stops in front of the door, nodding at me.

"I think he wants to talk to you," David says and I agree, getting up, passing by Andrey and getting out of my mother's establishment.

"About what you want to talk?" I ask a little afraid as I stop in front of him and he looks into my eyes.

"I just want you to know that I will always be there for you and that nothing in our relationship will change," and a smile forms on my lips.

"Thank you! Really, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that! I was thinking that you were going to walk away from me."

"Never. The only thing I want to change in our relationship are my feelings for you. I don't want to be in love with you anymore," he says, and I don't know whether to be happy or saddened by what I hear.

"I'm sorry that I can't give you what you deserve," I look away from him and stare at the floor, but he places his finger under my chin, lifting my face.

"You don't have to feel guilty. We don't choose who we love," he gives me a comforting smile and I smile back.

"But I love you, it's.."

"Shall we, Mad?" Andrey appears in the doorway with our friends and comes closer, making Bryan takes his hand from my face and walk away, giving me no chance to ask him for stay and joining the rest of the staff.

"I was talking to him," I say seriously.

"Shall we, Mad?" He ignores what I said and I take a deep breath.

"I have to go back to school," I say and he stranges it.


"Because I forgot my car there."

Yes, I forgot my car. I was used to always getting a ride or my mother taking and picking me up from places and since my thoughts were focused on Alexander's return, I didn't even remember that I had a car and got into Andrey's mother's car.

"Oh," he agrees laughing and I end up laughing too.

"This is not funny!"

"Then I will come with you," and I agree smiling.

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