Author's Message

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Hey guys it's author here I'm pretty sure it's not going to get alot of views but at least it's a few this book suppose to be funny and have romance chemistry I hope u enjoy it.

This book doesn't contain real life situations don't take it the wrong way and if there is something I need to fix please let me know bc I don't have much experience once again enjoy.

Warning: Trauma (rape)

Self harm

Some cursing

(Heart to Heart Message)
If you feel uncomfortable reading this story don't force yourself to do so because I don't want anything to trigger you. I wasn't going to include this in my story but I want to mention To people how easily this just happens without a thought or awareness this stuff happens all the time.

And to the people who go through this makes my heart hurts , I just want to let you know you are a strong survivor a strong one. Most people can't handle what happens to them when they experience this and it all starts having anxiety , depression and self harm and maybe many things along with it and that also includes them ending up taking their life or closed off.

But it's like why is the world is so much to deal with but then again it's a part of life. I want the future you to be successful be loved be passionate to what you love, have the most beautiful kids loving them to death and back. Explore all things you want to try or be interested in and don't be afraid to be independent because you are going to want that kind of freedom even I am scared of growing up and afraid to make mistakes and challenges, but I want to do so many things I picture in my mind like going zip line ,bungee jumping , hiking, traveling , cafes so much things that I want to do oh and also my own house and apartment

Even though it's not easy because you have to work your butt off to have the money to do and stressed or frustration. If you are doing a career that you don't love don't do it. Do what you think you want to do. Do what you love and to the some of you that are trying to make your parents proud doing so and you don't want to do it .

That's fine but why can't you do what you love it's your life their not making you successful you are making yourself successful not them.

Yea some parents will respect your dream career and if it comes to that point love them to death because that is what you call a parent a parent that loves, you who you are a parent who loves you, a parent that listens and notice when you're feeling down or to talk to that's a parent.

Me I don't have that parent in my life do to drugs capturing their minds I'm still in contact with them it's also hard to communicate with my dad. All we do is say hey what are we doing and stuff like that it's not really much. But I heard he has anxiety and i don't know what happen in the past but it seem like both of my parents was scared to be parents and didn't know how to be and so many more things along with it probably.

If you defeated the trauma ruining your life you are strong and this is coming from the heart. Whenever you are just walking home randomly by yourself let your friends or close relatives anybody to know where you are going. I Love you guys so much and stay safe.

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