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As Taki was headed out of the cafeteria and exiting the campus, "WAITTT TAKI," Taki heard a voice say, then turned around trying to see who called his name, and it was Daniel.

"Is something wrong?" Taki raised his eyebrows, confused. "

"No, I just wanted to come and help you with Loki since he is sick," Daniel said, smiling while looking at Taki, but then facing the ground with his head down. Taki's heart swells as Daniel wants to be helpful.

"You are a cute and sweet person, Daniel, but you don't have to help; it's ok," Taki said, smiling. Daniel blushes as he is called "cute".

"No, I just want to help," Daniel said. Taki tried so hard not to kiss Daniel because of his cuteness. "Ok, let's go then". Taki said this and began to walk. Daniel nodded and took deep breaths without Taki noticing.

They walked and enjoyed the quiet silence. Taki reached his house and unlocked the door, and he let Daniel go inside first.

Daniel walked inside, and he looked around in amazement because his house is "luxurious" on the inside but aesthetic on the outside. "You're rich; how can you make yourself look rich in a 1-story house?" Daniel said.

"I wouldn't say that, but I could say we just have balance money," Taki said. Daniel just nodded. Taki walked down the hall, with Daniel following behind him.

Taki opens the room and sees Loki in his king's castle bed. "Loki," Taki said, and he went towards Loki in his king's Castle bed and picked him up, hugging him.

"We can get sick together if we just hug it out because how can I not hug you?" Taki said, smiling. Loki whimpers, Taki rubs his nose on Loki's, Loki does it back, and Taki hugged him again.

Daniel falls harder into liking Taki even more as his heart beats like he is playing drums in a band.

Daniel giggles and smiles at Taki's cute side. Taki turns toward Daniel and looks back at Loki. "Loki, look, meet Daniel; me and him came back to take care of you," Taki said. Daniel walks toward Taki and Loki.

"Hi Loki, I'm Daniel; don't worry, everything will be alright. We're going to get you better," Daniel said, scratching behind Loki's ear. Taki smiled.

"Alright, Loki, you stay right here and rest for a bit while me and Daniel go make you some chicken soup," Taki said. Taki and Daniel walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen.

"Thank you for coming to help," Taki said. "You're welcome, and it's fine," Daniel said. "Alright, should we get started making the chicken soup?" Taki said with his hands on his hips.

Daniel nodded, while Taki just stood there trying to figure out where to start. "Ohhh," Taki said, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. Daniel shook his head.

"Ok, so we will need aprons just in case," Taki said, opening the cabinet door, then picking up the aprons that were folded in the corner. Daniel just watched. "Turn around," Taki said. Daniel turned around, and Taki put the apron over his head and tied it.

Daniel starts to feel butterflies in his stomach. "Is the tie alright for you?" Taki said. "Yes, it's alright," Daniel said.

"That's good," Taki said, and he put the apron around his head and tied it up. Taki picked his phone back up.

"I'm not really that good of a cook, but I know you know how to cook," Taki said, scratching his head. Daniel sighed and laughed. "Luckily, I know how; just tell me what to do," Daniel said.

"Let's see, it says add water to a pot," Taki said. "Where is the pot located?" Daniel said. "Oh, In the bottom cabinet," Taki said. Daniel looked in the cabinet and got the pot.

He turned the sink on and filled the pot with water. Daniel placed the pot on the stove and turned the heat on high.

"Ok, what's next?" Daniel said. "Add beef bones, carrots, celery, and rosemary to the water," Taki said. "Wow, my mom has to cook all of this," Taki said with his mouth open. Daniel sighs.

"Taki, it's just simple ingredients," Daniel says, taking the stuff out of the fridge. "I mean, yeah, but you have to wait nine hours just for some soup," Taki said, scrolling on his phone and looking at the ingredients.

"Wouldn't you want your food to be fresh?" Daniel said, putting his hands on his hips and looking at Taki. Taki raised his head and looked at Daniel.

"Don't look at me like that; it's doing things to me, but who has time to wait 9 hours?" Taki said.

Daniel was fighting the butterflies from what Taki said. "People who have patience," Daniel said. "Do you want to know something?" Taki said.

"What" Daniel said. "I'm not one of those people," Taki said. Daniel rolled his eyes.

"Well, you are just going to have to wait; Loki just wants to get better, not for you to complain," Daniel said.

"Fine," Taki said with a pout as he sat on the couch. Daniel shook his head and smiled, put the ingredients in the pot, stirred them, and turned the heat down to let them cook. Daniel walked over to Taki and sat on the couch.

"You look cute when you're upset," Daniel said, giggling. Taki dropped the cuteness and looked at Daniel with flirtation in his eyes. Daniel stopped giggling and asked, "W-What?" Daniel asked. Taki shook his head and said,

"Nothing. I was just wondering why you have a say in this when you're the cutest one here. For some reason I can't never take my eyes off of you" Taki said and laughed.

Daniel was flustered and speechless. "Who taught you how to say these things?" Daniel said. Taki laughed. "No one, Daniel; it just came out of my mouth without a thought," Taki said. "Oh," Daniel said.

Taki sat there, thinking whether he should confess or not. "Taki, are you okay?" Daniel asked. "Yeah, Daniel, can I tell you something that I never got the chance to?" Taki said nervously.

"I want to start off by saying I like you. I like you a lot. I've liked you since freshman year," Taki said.

"I've fallen for your smiley personality, your kindness, caring, being thoughtful, beautiful heart, and most of all, you being so cute and pretty," Taki said. Daniel stood there in shock, blushing.

"And that's all I have to say you might not like—- Daniel shut him up by kissing him. Taki's eyes widened, and he then kissed back with his hands on the side of Daniel's waist. They then broke apart.

"Wow, I've been waiting for that for three years, and it finally came true to me. Am I dreaming? Slap me to make sure I'm not dreaming," Taki said.

Daniel shook his head and slapped Taki gently. "It's not a dream," Daniel said. Daniel kissed Taki's cheek, and Taki smiled and hugged Daniel. Daniel laughed and hugged him back.

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