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October 28,2022 Junior year

"Should I get a new phone" Sunoo said. "I feel like I should, it hasn't been working properly like I want it to" Sunoo said beginning to pout as he debates on getting a new phone.

"Mom can I please get a new phone, my phone isn't working properly anymore" Sunoo said. "Sunoo you said that multiple times, this is like your 5th phone give other people chances to afford them" Mom said while she's cleaning the kitchen counter.

"Please Mom, I promise this will be the last phone" Sunoo grabs his Mom's arm pleading, she sighs and looks at him wondering if she should or should not.

"Honey should we give him another one" Mom said. "Yes, why would you ask such a question, our little son is growing up" Dad said. "He should have nice things". Dad said explaining with his hands and smiling then starts drinking his coffee.

"You spoil him too much, but I guess you're right" Mom said as she grabs her wallet and gives him the money. Sunoo smiles and hugs his Mom and Dad. "Thank you Mom and thank you Dad", he kisses the both of them on their cheeks.



@flowersunoo2,344 Likes by @mr

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2,344 Likes by @mr.sheep @danielover@im_ej
@sunnyhanbin and more...
New Selfie and new phone y'all wish you had it like me.



@danielover: Sunoo never disappoints us on getting new phones and selfies😎

@im_ej: nice phone and love the selfie sunoo :D

@sunnyhanbin: I love it!!!💓

@ilovegeonu: Stay back 🤺 no one likes you @danielover

@danielover: you think you're any better 🥲

@ilovegeonu: I am any better why are you such a hater it's bad enough I have to see you're face everyday @danielover 🤺

@danielover: I feel so disrespected 😦

@ilovegeonu: stay like that it makes me feel loved😘

@ilovelayla: why can't I have normal friends when It's needed by the way we love it Sunoo😆



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4,236 Likes by @poppingking @heeseung_ace @jaylovescorn @ice king and more
Is it just me or I'm just causally scrolling through my feed and see someone argued about feeling loved that their friend is being disrespected couldn't be me.

Comments .....

@jaylovescorn: it's just you😃

@poppingking: not surprised smh

@heeseung_ace: I think that's just you 🤔

@iceking: don't you have something better to do then be in people business

@im_.k: don't you have a crush on that guy in that 📷 club but hey you don't here me complaining 🤷‍♀️

@iceking: asshole 😒

@im_.k: Thanks that's the nicest compliment you gave me so far

@b.boy_lover: y'all funny 💀@im_.k @iceking

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