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@ilovegeonu10,000 Likes by @mr

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10,000 Likes by @mr.sheep @im_ej @ilovelayla @poppingking @danielover @sunnyhanbin many more...

#haveyouseenthisperson if you seen this person please give me a call he been missing for 24 hours my number is +2-318-886-9764 we need you're help like I said we haven't seen him since 24 hours.🙏


@mr.sheep: GEONU 😃

@ilovelayla: What in the two-feet shoes jack a roo is this 😃🤣

@im_ej: just a normal day with new information smh 🙂

@poppingking: Sunoo is going to delete us from his friend list and I'm here for it, He will only do it to you bc I didn't say much 💀

@Yeonjun: is he ok ???

@Baekhyun: should we set up fliers ??

@ningning: hope you find him soon!!!

@worldwidehandsomejin: What y'all did to make that kid run away.😂

@expensivegirlnamjoon: 👀👀

@sunnyhanbin: Where are you Sunoo ?🥺😔

@danielover: Its ok Hanbin he will come around soon don't you worry to even to cheer you up we can get ice cream with taki only if he says yes because he has to go to the dance studio later :D

@poppingking: ofc we can go it's my treat 🙃@danielover @sunnyhanbin.


@danielover: See Hanbin :DDDD it will be ok.

@worldwidehansomejin: aww so cute *wipes tears* @expensivegirlnamjoon can we adopt them pls @danielover @sunnyhanbin @poppingking

@expensivenamjoon: No Jin I can't take away someone child , only if they're are from the adoption center or seek for help.

@worldwidehandsomejin: you're sleeping on the couch tonight 😤

@expensivenamjoon: 😃😔

@Jdope: 🤣🤣😃😃

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