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Hype Camp

Sunoo and Niki made it to their cabin. They both have their keys. The principal wanted all students to have a key because he did not won't anything bad to happen. Niki unlocked the door as it was unlocked, Sunoo was amaze that the cabin looked so cozy.

Niki just didn't really see the big deal about the cabin. So, Niki just went to the bunk bed and got up on the top bunk bed. Niki then decided to lay down with his arm crossed above his head with his eyes closed.

"Niki don't sleep, we have to explore the camp site" Sunoo said, shaking Niki's legs to get up. Niki opens his eyes and sees Sunoo shaking his legs. Cute -Niki. "Stop laying there and spacing out, get up" Sunoo said, still shaking his legs.

"Please, Niki, Please" Sunoo said desperately. Niki's eyes traveled to the ceiling. He just wanted to rest not explore some camp site, and he just didn't feel like getting up, his spot got comfortable why leave the spot.

Sunoo just kept shaking his leg and pouting, pleading Niki. Niki just didn't want to move out of his spot. Niki looked at Sunoo pouting and wanted to scream out loud because of his cuteness but also wanted to scream because he would rather not get up.

"Ok, ok" Niki said as he gets up and got down from the bunk with a heavy sighed. "Yay" Sunoo said with a smiled and drag his arm like it was nothing then he opened the door and closed it. Niki just lets Sunoo do whatever he wants.

Sunoo just keeps dragging Niki everywhere around the camp. "Niki look there's a mountain
i wonder is that where we are going to do the activities at" Sunoo said, pointing at the view of the mountain.

Niki turned to where Sunoo was pointing and nodded his head, feeling the butterflies started to swimming in his stomach.

"Niki there is a Lake" Sunoo said. "I see" Niki said, can't help but to laugh, liking that Sunoo was excited about everything.

Niki felt so much warmth towards Sunoo it felt like Sunoo was his healing pill and his bandages to his heart and he just couldn't get enough of it.

Niki grabbed Sunoo by the wrist and pushed him towards him, as Sunoo was stunned and looked him in the eye. Niki stared at Sunoo sparkling eyes, he was asking himself why he couldn't get enough of it.

Niki hugged Sunoo so tightly by the waist, he wanted to cry. But he didn't, and he now knows that he has a crush on Sunoo.

And now that he has a crush on Sunoo he felt like his crush treats him so nice with a sweet pure heart that everyone wants to keep it. Niki knew Sunoo isn't the type to do things like his ex crush done, he observed how Sunoo treats his friends and the people around him.

But tears started to fall. Niki was overwhelmed with the feeling. Sunoo felt something dropping on his shoulder, he felt like Niki was crying. "Niki, look at me" Sunoo said. Niki shook his head. Sunoo giggled because Niki has a soft side and tries not to show it.

"Niki look at me ok" Sunoo said sincerely. Niki lifted his head up and looked at him with admiration in his eyes as tears kept falling. Sunoo was just hurt that this is the second time he saw Niki crying.

"Niki it's ok I'm always right here to talk it out when you're ready"Sunoo said, caressing his fingers on Niki's cheek, wiping his tears. Niki tightened his grip on Sunoo waist. Sunoo heart was beating at the wrong time.

"Niki you're going to make me die, you are killing me with your tears" Sunoo said. "I'll leave evidence to the police that you murdered me with your tears" Sunoo said, making an angry face trying to cheer Niki up.

Niki laughed. "Ha I made you laugh. I knew you had it in you" Sunoo said with a smiled. "Yea you did" Niki said with a nod and smiled back. Sunoo pulled Niki into a hug again, as Niki hugged back.

Sunoo then see Jungwon looked anxious coming out of him and Niki cabin with his facial spray.

Jungwon then ran trying not to be seen by anybody as he didn't know Sunoo saw him.

Jungwon ran out of his facial spray so he said why not get Sunoo's it's borrowing anyway.

"Just you wait Jungwon who dares to take my Facial spray you're not slick" Sunoo said, not knowing he was still hugging Niki.

"Huh" Niki said. Sunoo then widened his eyes. "Oh nothing, don't worry about it" Sunoo said, hugging Niki tightly to distract him.

Niki let go of Sunoo and walked off, signaling him to follow along because he needed to take a shower. Niki opens the door, following along with Sunoo behind him as Sunoo closed the door.

"I'm going to take a shower in the first bathroom" Niki said. "Ok I'll go to the other one, but Niki can we play a game after" Sunoo said. Niki was really amazed that Sunoo is so energetic, he hasn't got any rest yet.

Niki wanted to go to sleep so bad, but he couldn't do Sunoo like that. "Sure we can play after I shower" Niki said as he grabs his clothes and his towels. Niki walked to the bathroom.

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