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Hype camp

Nicholas moved tree branches and everything to keep Ej safe, he didn't want Ej to fall and hurt himself. "Be careful" Nicholas said for the tenth time.

"Nicholas I'm ok" Ej said laughing. "I'm sorry, am I bothering you. I can find another partner if you like" Nicholas said, looking down at the ground. Ej walks to Nicholas and kissed his cheek, smiling, shaking his head no.

"No you don't have to, I like having you by my side, besides you're my boyfriend after all" Ej said. Nicholas lifted his head as his eyes grew and felt his cheek. Nicholas smiled, he has a boyfriend that been a crush on since school started.

Jungwon looks at the paper to see what do him and Jay have to find. "It says we have to look for a bush, which couldn't be hard" Jungwon said.

"Did it say which type of bush" Jay said. "No it doesn't we just have to find a bush that's all"Jungwon said. Jay and Jungwon searched for a bush. Jay tapped on Jungwon once he saw one.

"I see one" Jay said, pointing at where the bush was. Jungwon looked where Jay was pointing, and he looks back down at the paper marking check.

"Next is grass we already found that since we're walking on it," Jungwon said, marking that one down. "Well that was easy" Jay said. "I know right our teacher could've made it a bit hard, but I'm not complaining much" Jungwon said.

Jay nodded. "What's next" Jay said. "Rough rocks it says," Jungwon said. Jungwon and Jay searched quietly for the rough rocks. Jay goes into thinking since they are not really interacting as much.

Jay feels that he should come up with a solution on how to make it up to Jungwon. Jay stopped searching as Jungwon stills kept searching.

"Jungwon can we stop and talk for a moment" Jay said? Jungwon stopped in his tracks, trying to figure out what do they had to talk about.

"Jungwon the reason I fool around with girls and their feelings because of what happened to my brother Niki back then," Jay said sadly.

"I didn't want the things that happened to him to happen to me of what his crush did" Jay said. Jungwon nods his head, listening to Jay looking deeply in his eyes.

"And when Niki has the time to share the rest of the story he will if you don't believe me" Jay said, also looking deeply in Jungwon eyes.

"What I'm trying to say, if you give me another chance, I'll show you my true self" Jay said.

Jungwon sees that Jay is being sincere, he can't quite tell what Jay and Niki been through, but he knew from what how Jay explained it must have been a painful experience.

"Yes, you can have another chance" Jungwon said. "Wait, really I can," Jay said happy, his eyes even grew bigger. Jay spun Jungwon around from being happy. Jungwon giggled. "Yes, you can now put me down" Jungwon said.

"Oh sorry" Jay said, putting Jungwon down. "Silly boy, let's get back to the scavenger hunt" Jungwon said. Jay smiled and nodded. Jungwon saw that Jay was actually a soft boy who just had walls protecting his heart.

"Sunghoon look I found a pine cone" Jake said happy. Sunghoon smiled that Jake was happy. "So what's after the pine cone" Sunghoon said.

"A mushroom" Jake said excited. Sunghoon shakes his head, he was thinking should he tell Jake or not.

"Jake can I tell you something" Sunghoon said. Jake turned to think, should he tell him something as well. "I also have to tell you something" Jake said.

"Can I go first" Sunghoon said, wanting to get this over with of rejection.

"I would just like to mention that I like you and the reason is your pretty smile and cute personality that makes me want to hold on to you forever" Sunghoon said. "Would you like to go out with me"Sunghoon said.

Jake was stunned that his crush liked him back. What do I do, my crush likes me back my crush likes me back—Jake said. "So what is your answered" Sunghoon said.

Jake went to him and didn't say anything, kissed him on the lips. Sunghoon eyes widened but kissed him back. They then let go. Jake blushed then covered his hands on his face.

"There goes my yes, don't cover your pretty face up" Sunghoon said smiling. Jake blushed again while he turns even more red.

"So what we're you going to tell me" Sunghoon said curiously. "You already answered my question" Jake said. "Oh well, I'm glad" Sunghoon said smirking.

K and Hanbin were happily finding the items on the scavenger hunt. K and Hanbin were smiling ear to ear. They couldn't control their emotions. They both thought about when they would confess.

Taki and Daniel were also enjoying themselves. Daniel was smiling and giggling like normally. Taki was taking all the pictures he needs of his boyfriend, hearing that sound still whistles in his ears. Taki didn't care if he ran out of storage, all he wanted to focus on was Daniel.


@poppingking4,756 Likes by @danielover and many more

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4,756 Likes by @danielover and many more...

I'm having so much fun with my boyfriend I hope this moment last for ever I took so many pictures today that I don't care if my phone is out of storage🤪


@danilover: aww I love you❤️ @poppingking

@poppingking:I love you too 🫂❤️ @danielover

@Yeonjun: Single people can't relate 🥱

@honeylia: couple goals ❤️

@ningning: I wish that was me ☹️

@Baekhyun: Can someone be my Bambi ??

@MmhKai: do you want help 😃 ?! @Baekhyun

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