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Nothing has changed since Sunoo and Niki got together, besides Niki and his friends graduated from high school. Sunoo is now a senior along with his friends, but Taki is now a junior.

Sunoo had got a part-time job at a café because some reason he just loves the smell of coffee. Niki he's been practicing dancing nonstop to become a choreographer.

Sunoo and Niki gotten closer than before. Sunoo and Niki always hang out and call on weekends. They will watch movies, cuddle and always go on dates nonstop.

All his friends are still together with one another, cuter than every. Sunoo remembered his favorite moment when his and Niki friends had a competition on who can go on the most dates.

And of course, Sunoo and Niki won because they went on dates like almost everyday nonstop. All his friends were concerned about how do Niki do it. They came home exhausted and needed to recharge.

Niki was at home practicing in his mirror. Niki decided to take a shower. He came out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and laid down on his bed looking at the ceiling, thinking about Sunoo.

Niki tried to fall asleep, but he couldn't go because Sunoo wouldn't leave his mind at all.

So, Niki opened his window, sneaking out because his Mom and Dad said he should take a break from going on dates and spend family time together. They loved Sunoo dearly, but they missed him.

Niki goes straight to his motorcycle that was standing there in the driveway. Niki hopped on his motorcycle and put on his helmet and drives off.

"This kid" Dad said, smacking his lips as his wife, Jay and himself peaking out the window. "Those were the days when we were young" Mom said.

Jay was eating his corn looking out the window also enjoying his corn. "You can tell he really loves Sunoo, I love Jungwon too but we can't stand to keep going on dates" Jay said.

"I remembered your Mom was screaming telling me to slow down because I was driving so fast on the motorcycle" Dad said laughing."Shut up" Mom said, hitting her husband on the shoulder.

"Love is magical, but this corn is too" Jay said, devouring the corn. Mom and Dad gave looks to each other then walked away heading upstairs.

"Go to bed, Jay" Dad said with a yell. "What did I do, I just love my corn and Jungwon" Jay said yelling back. "We know Jay now go to bed" Mom said.

Niki arrived at Sunoo house and picked up a tiny rock throwing at the window. Sunoo was confused what's knocking on the window, so he went and check.

Sunoo looked out the window, seeing Niki standing there waving at him. Sunoo smiled and laughed. "Niki what are you doing" Sunoo said.

"What I can't save my princess from her castle" Niki said laughing. Sunoo blushed and laughed. "Wait I'll be there in a second let me put my shoes on"Sunoo said, shutting the window.

Sunoo grabbed his converses out of the closet and proceeded to put them on. Sunoo then puts on his sweater, closed his room door quietly and tip toed down the stairs.

Sunoo goes to the door, then closes the door quietly. Sunoo forgot that there is a camera system on the wall by the garage.

Sunoo ran to Niki arms hugging him by his neck. Niki held Sunoo by his waist and then kissed him on the forehead. Niki picked up the helmet and placed it on Sunoo's head carefully, then buckled it.

Niki smiled and hopped on the motorcycle and patted the seat behind him. Sunoo gets on the motorcycle behind Niki and holds him by the waist.

Niki started the engine and started to drive to go to the park for him and Sunoo to seat on the grass watch the stars.

Sunoo and Niki made it to the park and got off the motorcycle. Niki takes the helmet off Sunoo then put it on the motorcycle and took Sunoo hand.

Niki sat down on the grass and Sunoo sat down between Niki legs. Niki wrapped his arms around Sunoo waist and looked at the stars. Sunoo and Niki were admiring the moment of silence, staring at the stars.

Sunoo then did a sudden move and turned around, wraps his arms around Niki neck and wrapped his legs on Niki waist. Niki wraps his arm around Sunoo waist and stares at Sunoo. Sunoo stared back and finally speaks up. "Im glad we switched phones" Sunoo said.

"I agree I wouldn't have met a pure heart, sweet soul and sparking eyes like you" Niki said. Sunoo blushed and smiled. Niki smiled back and laugh to himself.

"What was the words you said when we switch phones" Sunoo said curious. " Hm as you mention what were the words I said" Niki said. Niki then thought for a moment, then remembered.

"Oh it was Did we get a new update why is everything pink" Niki said. Sunoo laughs he did a have a hello kitty wallpaper and decorated his apps pink, but he changed it to a picture of him and Niki.

"What makes you think that was an update" Sunoo said, laughing again. "I don't know, I just thought it was that" Niki said as his shoulders shrugs.

"What did you say when your phone got switched" Niki said. "I freaked out and said wait this isn't my phone and immediately knew that my phone had been switched" Sunoo said.

"The universe brought me to you, and I'm glad it did" Niki said. Niki lean in towards Sunoo face as Sunoo fluttering eyes closed shut. Sunoo lips felt soft and warm, that's when Niki knew that Sunoo was his and will always be.

Niki breaks the kissed and stared into Sunoo sparking eyes. "Close your eyes" Niki said. Sunoo closed his eyes curiously. Niki lets go of Sunoo waist and grabs the small box out of his pocket.

Niki opens it and takes the necklace out the box. Niki puts the Sun necklace around Sunoo neck. Niki then puts the moon necklace around his neck.

"Open your eyes" Niki said. "What is it" Sunoo said, confused. Niki shakes his head and chuckles. "Look at your neck then look at mine" Niki said.

Sunoo looks at his neck and gasp. Sunoo looks at Niki neck and it was a moon.

"I'm the moon. I always wait for you with the stars for you to shine bright in the day" Niki said.

Sunoo felt so much warmth and love from Niki that he never wanted to let Niki go. Sunoo hugs Niki tightly. Niki hugs back

Tears started falling softly from Sunoo eyes.
"Don't cry" Niki said "You will ruin your beautiful face" Niki said. "I can't help it when you're saying such sweet things, you idiot" Sunoo said. Niki laughs.

"I love you" Niki whispered in Sunoo ear and kissed him on his head.

"I love you too" Sunoo said and closed his eyes, not wanting to let go.

The End of Phone Switched📱

:) 💗

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