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K and Hanbin made it inside the craft shop to make snow globes to give to each other. K and Hanbin sat down and picked out the decorations for their snow globes.

K and Hanbin start peacefully making the snow globes. K stopped and look at Hanbin to see what described him as the decoration. K rested his face on his hand, staring at Hanbin

K then stops and continues to make the snow globe, he added a moon that has a star hanging from the moon with the teddy bear hugging the moon.

Hanbin added a cherry blossom tree with green bushes and small flower pedals at the Bottom. The owner collected their snow globes to mixture of water and glycerin.

The owner came back and gave them their Snow globes. Hanbin gave K the snow globes to him that he made. K smiled fond of how beautiful it looks, he shakes it and smile.

"This is beautiful so Hanbin" K said, constantly shaking it admiring it. "You made mines So cute" Hanbin said. "Well I made it of what describes you" K said.

Hanbin smiled and hugged K. K smiled and hugged him back. Hanbin then lifted his head off K shoulder and took a deep breath and peck K on the lips.

K lifted Hanbin chin up and gave him a true kiss because a peck wasn't stopping him to not want more. But K still will constantly want more than Hanbin imagines.


Sunghoon and Jake went inside the ice skating rink. It's been awhile since Sunghoon last been in here, and he's finally taking a lover with him to experience this.

"Sunghoon how many years you have been an ice skater" Jake said, tying his ice skates. "Since 17 years" Sunghoon said.

"How does it feel to visit again"Jake said smiling. Sunghoon looked down and smiled facing the ice skating rink then facing towards Jake.

"Amazing because I brought you here with me" Sunghoon said. Jake blushed and looked down at his lap. Sunghoon got up and walked to Jake, grabbing him by his hands and dragging him towards the rink, facing Jake way.

Jake and Sunghoon stepped on the ice rink. Jake then stumbled and fell on his stomach. "Why didn't you catch me" Jake said and pouted.

"I'm sorry I was trying to see was you going to fall for me but looks like you did" Sunghoon said. Jake blushed and tried to get up and hit him for saying these cheesy ass pickup lines.

Jake then fell again and took a deep breath and sighed. "Damn I didn't realize you were that down bad for me" Sunghoon said.

"Shut the hell up" Jake said, playfully rolling his eyes. "Oo feisty puppy "Sunghoon said. "I'm not a puppy" Jake said, "Yes you are" Sunghoon said.

"No I'm not" Jake said. "You are," Sunghoon said and helped Jake up. Sunghoon then pulls Jake to him, holding him by the waist. "You are, and you're my puppy" Sunghoon said, leaning to Jake's face and kissed him. Jake melted between the kiss, that's when he knew he was Sunghoon puppy.


Taki and Daniel started walking holding hands walking down the street city walk enjoying the peace and comfortable silence.

They then saw the ice cream truck and headed towards there. Taki and Daniel never got enough from each other ever since that day they had to take care of Loki.

Taki and Daniel never grew apart but got closer than ever. Taki always watches ever small things Daniel does. And Daniel always watched what Taki does.

"What flavor ice cream flavor we should share"Daniel said. "You" Taki said. Daniel blushed. "Taki stop seriously what flavor" Daniel said. "You"Taki said again, smiling. Daniel's faces turned redder.

"May I get cookie dough please" Daniel said. Daniel took the cookie dough ice cream and grabbed Taki by his hand, dragging him to sit on the bench.

Daniel and Taki dig their spoons in the ice cream, enjoying it that he made a mess in his mouth. Taki laughs and pulls out his phone to take a picture. Daniel pouted and wiped his mouth.

"When will you stop teasing me" Daniel said, crossing his arms. "Well to make you feel better" Taki kissed him on his cheek. "Never because I will never get enough of you" Taki said. Daniel blushed. "I'll never get enough of you either" Daniel said.

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