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Jake blushed at the sight of seeing Sunghoon from earlier at the embarrassing moment that happened. Jungwon was trying to think when he should start and if it's the right moment when to do so.

Hanbin started to look for something to do to not stare at his crush. Ej distracted himself by looking at the phone playing puzzle games

Seo-yun was confused about what's going on with Sunoo and his friends. Niki, Jay, and the rest sat down behind Sunoo and them. The principal Park Seo-joon and all the teachers came in and went into the center.

"I know that everyone is confused about why we are here today," Mr. Park said. All students nodded their heads in agreement. "I've been asking that question since I got in here and still waiting on the answer"Jungwon said.

Sunoo turned to Jungwon and shushed him. Jungwon rolled his eyes and sink in the chair. Jay laughed at Jungwon but didn't make it obvious. Niki looked at Sunoo and smiled a little, but then went back to focusing on the principal.

"As I was saying me and the teachers had a discussion that we should do something fun" Mr.Park said smiling.

"What Mr. Park is trying to say, we will do fun activities with students in different classes" the teacher said she said with a smile.

All students' look besides the people they sat by each other was like what. "Yes you heard correctly, we are going on a call field trip, meaning pack yours bags we are staying for 4 days" Mr.Park said as he smiled and clapped his hands.

All the students began to clap their hands slowly, you can tell most people don't like others, don't want to do it or not social. Sunoo was happy because he gets to have new friends, it's not like he doesn't like his best friends, but he wants to know how different people are.

"I guess this a sign telling me I should start some action" Jungwon said. "Uhh I guess, whatever they do, please get Heeseung out of my sight, it's unpleasant to my eye "Geonu said.

Jungwon and Jake gave Geonu a blank stare, while Sunoo and the rest laughed. Heeseung laughs and smirks at Geonu knowing he will annoy him whenever he wants.

"If you keep saying that, your Fairy godparents will appear and make it happen into something more" Ej said as his eyes travelled the room playfully. "Good one Ej" Jake said, laughing.

Seo-yun laughs at the energy of Sunoo friends and hopes they will like him if he hangs out with them more. "Oh also we will explain the rules when we get off the bus so don't worry you all may head back to your last period" Mr. park said.

All the students got up and tried to exit the door. They all started pushing to get out the door as Sunoo felt like he was going to fall back on the floor. He closed his eyes but then opened it when he didn't feel anything but his back was pressed into someone's chest, a person who was Niki.

Sunoo looked back at Niki's eyes as Niki did the same, they stared at each other while people walked around them. Niki then spoke up and broke the silence, "Are you comfortable pressing into my chest like that" Niki smirked.

"Oh I'm sorry" Sunoo said and then blushed and cleared his throat due to being nervous. "It's alright, don't worry about it, go ahead and head to your classes" Niki said with a chuckled.

"Ok, bye" Sunoo said. Sunoo waves at Niki then rushes out of the auditorium while his cheeks are hot and red. Niki waves and laughs at Sunoo cutely behavior from head to toe. Wow, he is something else-Niki

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