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Hype Camp

"Sunoo who do you think I will be roommates with" Hanbin said while Sunoo was hugging him. "I don't know, but whoever it is I hope they treat you with kindness" Sunoo said. "If not, they will see me giving them a taste of their medicine" Jungwon said, laughing like it's funny.

Sunoo looked at him concern and Hanbin looked worried, not wanting anybody to get hurt. Taki moved away from Jungwon and hugged Daniel. Daniel just laughed. "I questioned all my friends but where does it get me absolutely nowhere" Ej said, shaking his head.

"Taki and Daniel" Teacher said. "My life just keeps getting better and better" Taki said. Daniel laughed and grabbed Taki hand, dragging him along as they headed to the Cabin.

"I wish I can say that for myself" Jungwon said. Sunoo playfully hit Jungwon on the shoulder. "What am I wrong" Jungwon said. "Hanbin and K" Teacher said as she checked the list tiredly.

Hanbin was surprised, he felt like he didn't deserve to be with his crush and how could a great moment happen like this to him. Sunoo hugged him and shoot him away. "I got it" K said and grabbed his bags along with his. "Oh ok" Hanbin said. "What is this big bag" K said.

"Oh uh...it's a my"Hanbin said trying to lie about what it is. Hanbin then looks at Sunoo for help. "It's Hanbin magical lamp I got for him as a gift for always staying by my side" Sunoo said.

"Oh ok" K said, not sure if they were telling the truth. K let his hand out, waiting to see whether Hanbin will grab it or not. Hanbin looked both ways and pointed to himself. K nodded his head yes. Hanbin shyly grabbed K hand, they then headed to the Cabin.

"Life is good when others get that treatment, but you don't" Jungwon said. Ej laughed , nodding his head in agreement. "Aww that's so cute, Hanbin truly deserves it" Sunoo said, smiling. "Ej and Nicholas" Ej said.

"Huh" Ej said with a blushed. Should I run away or Should I not, no i gave him a chance remember stop running from your problems-Ej. "Uhh are you ready to go" Nicholas said, being nervous. Ej nodded his head. Ej and Nicholas went to the Cabins.

"We just had to be last"Jungwon said. "Don't they always say save the best for last" Sunoo said. "Yeah, but what's best about this in this situation"Jungwon said. "I need to take a selfie while waiting, my camera is calling me" Sunoo said. " I guess," Jungwon laughed.



@flowersunoo 3,768 Likes by @poppoingking @danielover and many more

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3,768 Likes by @poppoingking @danielover and many more.....

Can't wait to see what this camp is going to be all about these 4 days love you all 🤗🌤️


@ningning: oooh camping sounds fun

@Yeonjun: wish I was there 🥲

@honeylia: i want to go camping 🙃💗

@youronlybeomgyu: Sunoo stop copying me😑

@flowersunoo: gasp I am not it's just a coincidence😤 @youronlybeomgyu

@youronlybeomgyu: Sureee 😂

@flowersunoo: 😤

@themarklee: The possibility of all the
possibilities that the possibilities will most likely something will happen during that possibility.

@johnnylegend: What 😃 @themarklee

@themarklee: You heard me 😆

@youronlybeomgyu: you heard him 😆

@Yeonjun: you heard him 😆

@ningning: you heard him 😆

@honeylia: you heard him 😆

@johnnylegend: Alright now I didn't think I needed more than one person to say it 🤨


Sunoo posted his selfie and laughed at his friends being silly. The teacher was still calling names, but one stood out for him that he never knew would happen. "Jay and Jungwon"and "Sunoo and Niki".

"Wow, things just keep getting unreal"Jungwon said. You got this, Jungwon- Jungwon said. "Never would have thought someone, that wants to make me like them not start the action but end up being my roommates" Jay said. Niki nudged Jay's arm.

"Are you looking down on me of you not knowing what I'm really capable of" Jungwon said. Why did you say that I should dig myself underground- Jungwon. Jay smirked, crossing his arms. Sunoo slapped his forehead, feeling sorry for Jungwon.

"Capable you say" Jay said. Jungwon blushed, he really wanted to disappear. Jay wasn't planning on making out with someone at the camp. But apart of him wants to stop all of this since Niki told him he should.

"Is this some kind of movie scene that I don't know of get to your Cabins" Teacher said frustrated. Jay and Jungwon started walking to the Cabins.

"Do you need help with your bags, beautiful" Niki said. "B-beautiful uhh yes" Sunoo said as his cheeks were tinted red. "Did I stutter, I mean you are Beautiful" Niki said as he grabs Sunoo things and his.

"U-mm no just shut-up" Sunoo said and pushed him to the side. Niki laughed and continued to walk to the cabin, enjoying teasing Sunoo while Sunoo shyly walking.

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