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Hype camp

"Are you guys ready to partner up, go find your partners and let's get started" The teacher said, happy watching the students scattered.

As the students scatter around trying to find a partner, you can see that Taki and Daniel hugging each other, so you can tell they already clarified that they are partners.

Nicholas cleared his throat, tapping on Ej shoulder as he was talking to his friends, then turned towards him.

"Ej would you mind being partners with me if you're ok with it, I mean you don't have to but if you want to you can, or you can—— Nicholas said as he got cut off by Ej. Ej put a finger on his lips, nodding his head, yea. Ej thought that was cute of Nicholas.

"Yes Nicholas, I can be your partner" Ej said, smiling and removed his finger from Nicholas lip. Nicholas smiled back and rubbed the back of his nape nervously.

Sunoo smiled, squealing clapping his hands, he couldn't believe Ej was partnering up with his secret admirer. Jungwon crosses his arms, smiling, happy for Ej. Jake just laughs at Sunoo behavior. Hanbin hugs Jake, feeling happy for Ej.

Geonu went to Heeseung as he goes he stands in front of him playing with his fingers. "Would you like to be my partner"Geonu said. Geonu felt like he was going to say no since he haven't given him an answer.

"Yea I can be your partner" Heeseung said and smiled. Geonu was shocked. "Wait, you do," Geonu said. "Yes, I want too why you ask" Heeseung said. "Oh it's nothing" Geonu said. Heeseung felt like it was something, so he didn't say anything.

K walks over, eyes wandering over to Hanbin smile that makes him smile as well. K stands over Hanbin then takes a step back, bowing his head down having his hand out.

"May I be partnered up with a pretty prince right in front of me" K said smiling. Sunoo and Jungwon hitting each other's shoulders, screaming and squealing. Hanbin blushed and slipped his hand in K's. "Yes" Hanbin said smiling.

K and Hanbin walked off holding hands, can't control their smiles. "Why are they not dating, yet the boat is sailing miles away" Sunoo said. "Who knows, K might have something planned or thinking about it" Jake said and shrugs.

"You can tell K likes Our Hanbin back" Jungwon said, laughing. "I wonder what activities we're going to do" Sunoo said. "I don't know, but I think our teachers are up to something" Jungwon said thinking to himself about it. Jake nodded with an agreement.



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3,789 Likes by @flowersunoo @ilovelayla more......

"Starting off the day of being trapped at camp with my miserable feelings and besties by your side giving you energy" 😎


@flowersunoo: And I will always be there for you no matter what ☹️🌸

@ilovelayla: we are always here ☹️

@gyubear: you ate this pic but feel better Jungwon😎

@soobinnie: feel better jungwon sorry for this but BEOMGYU WHERE DID YOU TAKE ODI 🦔

@gyubear: it wasn't me 😧

@soobinnie: then who was it ??

@Yeonjun: gotta dash 🏃‍♂️💨


@Yeonjun: he just wanted to go for a swim which I put him in the tub in a toy floatie and started bathing him with soap since he has to be clean and he splash me with water and ran I went after him and he hid under the couch I think i was too rough 🤔

@soobinnie: you have a whole hour to get him from under the couch or you're going to get it 😤

@gyubear: I'm glad it ain't me 😎

@ningning: dms if you care to share 💕

@honeylia: awww do you want to talk about it 🫂


Sunoo was talking to Jungwon and Jake until Jungwon raised an eyebrow of confusion as he saw Niki Jay and Sunghoon heading to their direction.

Sunoo and Jake looked at Jungwon confused and looked where Jungwon was looking.

"Oh that's a double kill right there" Sunoo said with a whisper. "Not the time Sunoo" Jake said, "Hush" Jungwon said, shaking his head.

Jungwon didn't feel like talking to Jay neither did he want to be partners with him. He's just needed a break and get rid of his feelings, even though it's not easy. Sunoo looked at Jungwon from the corner of his eye, so he rubbed Jungwon back, comforting him.

Sunghoon goes to Jake as Jake was fighting the verge not to blush. "Can I be the book to your Cover" Sunghoon said with a smirk. Niki gave him a what the fuck look. Jake blushed, though he didn't quite understand.

"Are you asking me to be your partner" Jake said, tilting his head. "I thought I made that clear" Sunghoon said and smiled. "O-oh Yes," Jake said.

"I know this is cute, but they're acting like they are being ask prom" Jungwon said. Sunoo and Niki nodded. "Yea you're right, I thought it was simple to ask that" Niki said with a shrug.

"Let them enjoy their moment, I don't need haters to hate on Jake" Sunoo said playfully, rolling his eyes. Jay walks to Jungwon

"Can you be my partner" Jay said with his hands in his pocket. Jungwon really wants to say no, but he has no choice. "Sure" Jungwon said and walked off heading where the teacher was. Jay sighs, he thought he should apologize later on.

"Sunoo do you want to be my partner" Niki said. "No that's not fair. How do the rest get a good say of asking to be partners I want that too" Sunoo crossed his arms and pouted.

Is he serious, I guess I have to give him what he wants then—Niki said. Niki grabbed Sunoo arm, pulling him towards him as Sunoo had his head turned away from him, red as a tomato.

"Stop making it difficult for me" Niki said, grabbing his chin to face him. Sunoo head turns to Niki. Sunoo pretends to be mad to make Niki guilty. Niki laughs, thinking it's adorable.

"Will you be my partner" Niki said, holding his waist, bringing him closer for Sunoo
to listen. Sunoo butterflies started swimming around without control.

"Y-yes, I will be your partner" Sunoo said."Was that fair" Niki said with a smile and laugh.

"Yes now shut up" Sunoo said shyly and hit him on the shoulder. Sunoo grabbed his arm, dragging him to where the other students were waiting for the teacher's introductions as Niki almost tripped.

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