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The students wake up tiredly and grab their things, putting it on the bus. The principal and teacher were tired themselves. The principal was falling asleep on the bus door but slapped himself to wake him up.

Some students got on one bus and the other students got on the other bus. The students went back to sleep as they sat down in their seats because it was too early to be awake.

Niki and Sunoo comes out of their Cabin and put their stuff on the bus and tiredly went to the seats. "Never again" Niki said with a yawn.

"Oh for sure there would be a next time" Sunoo said, yawning as well and placed his head on Niki's shoulder. 

"I doubt that," Niki said, not minding Sunoo head was on his shoulder. Niki then closes his eyes and goes to sleep. Sunoo does the same.

Jungwon and the rest of his friends and Niki friends got on the bus, shocked when they saw Sunoo sleeping on Niki shoulder. Heeseung took a picture with his mouth opened.

"I got to take a picture of this" Jungwon said, giggling to himself, clicking the camera button nonstop "Send me that" Geonu said. "Don't forget me" Jake said.

"Ok guys, enough clicking, let them sleep" Hanbin said. Jungwon then stopped clicking and sighed, he didn't get plenty of pictures, though.

Everyone had fallen asleep and soundly besides Heeseung, he was eating his ramen noodles that he had packed. The driver was making sure he didn't get on the bumping roads to wake them up.

The principal had woken up from a good nap. He looks at the papers of the students who have to get off on this street that the driver arrive to.

The driver stopped at the bus stop.
The principal got out of his seat and went to the students who had to get off this stop, he gently wakes them up. "See you guys tomorrow at school" the principal said.

Students after students got off the bus stop on their streets. The principal goes to Niki's seat, waking him for him to wake Sunoo next to him.

"Niki it's Sunoo stop to get off the bus" the Principal said. Niki then wakes Sunoo up gently. Sunoo wakes up rubbing his eyes because it's a habit.

"It's time for you to get off," Niki said. Sunoo nod half sleep. Sunoo gets up and was heading to the door to get off, but Niki grabbed his wrist.

Sunoo turned around confused and looked at Niki. "Do you want me to get off the bus with you and take you to your house" Niki said. Sunoo shakes his head gently.

"No it's ok you don't have to worry," Sunoo said. Niki let's go and let him get off the bus. Sunoo waved goodbye to Niki with a smile.

Niki watched from the window at Sunoo walking as the bus driven away. Not only Niki likes Sunoo he fell in love with him.

Sunoo made it to his house safely and goes inside hugging his mom and dad as he misses them. Sunoo then heads upstairs and falls on his bed, heading off to sleep.

Niki and Jay stopped arrived. Niki and Jay got off the bus. Niki unlocked the door and went inside. Jay yawns and lay on the couch.

"Niki when are you going to confess to Sunoo" Jay said tiredly. "I'm going to do a school proposal" Niki said, thinking how he should plan it.

"Wow a school proposal" Mom said, coming down along with Dad. "Oh when did you guys make it home from the business trip" Niki said and got and hugged them.

"Yesterday but tell me about this person you have a crush on, I have to see if they're trustworthy" Dad said. Mom hit him on the shoulder lightly.

Niki didn't really come out to his parents yet, but he didn't care, so he was going to let them know the truth. "It's a he" Niki said continuing on.

"His name is Sunoo he's so sweet, kind, pure soul , innocent, sparking eyes, always putting himself before others, and he makes me want to take care of him" Niki said not catching a breath.

"And Yes, I'm gay, have a problem with it because you're not going to stop me from loving him" Niki said looking at his Mom and Dad reaction. Jay was knocked out to sleep, not knowing what's going on.

Mom and Dad looked at each other and busted out laughing so hard. Niki was confused about what's so funny about that. Mom and Dad were holding their stomachs, trying to catch their breath.

"Sweetie have known since you were a kid" Mom said, wiping the tears from her eyes. "How" Niki said, confused. "Son we knew since you were a little boy because you always stared at boys beside girls" Dad said.

"I remember that time my work friend's daughter, when you and her were the same age, she kissed you on the cheek, and you screamed ew and wiped your hand on your cheek and hid behind me" Dad said, laughing.

"But when my work friend's son was playing with his toys, you kept looking at him like you had a crush on him" Mom said. "So you guys support that I'm gay" Niki said confused.

"Of course we do, what kind of parents would we be if we didn't son you're still our son gay or not, I will love my child to death, no matter what gender" Mom said as she hugged Niki and kissed his cheek.

"Same goes for me Son" Dad said. Niki felt like he had gifted parents. Not all teenagers can get this kind of treatment from their parents, but he knows for sure he would never let them go.

"Have you thought about any ideas for the school proposal" Mom said. "Yes of course Jay is going to help me" Niki said, turning to Jay but then saw he was sleeping.

"Oh what you look at that both of your sons have your traits" Mom said, shaking her head. "Not my fault" Dad said laughing.

Niki went to Jay and wakes him up. "Jay help me with the school proposal" Niki said. "Niki it hasn't been 30 minutes and you're bothering me from my sleep" Jay said.

"Jay help your brother" Mom said, crossing her arms. "Hey Mom and Dad but Mom I haven't got enough of sleep" Jay said whining.

"Jay do what your brother Niki say" Dad said. Jay huffed and grabbed his car keys, went to the fridge and also grabbed his corn on the cob. Jay went to the door, telling Niki to come on.

Niki winked at his Mom and Dad as his Mom and Dad did the same laughing. Niki walks out the door and got in Jay's car.

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