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Hype Camp

All the students got off the two buses that have arrived at the camp and gathered their things. The students are standing there waiting on instructions to be said. "Alright students, we have finally made it to the Camp" Assistant principal said.

"Your teachers would assign you all to your share Cabins with your roommates and to clarify it, you cannot change roommates that are assigned to you" the Assistant principal said.

"But what if it's someone I don't like" Jungwon whispered. "But what if it's someone you do like, then what" Sunoo whispered back as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Then I have nothing to worry about," Jungwon whispered. "Jungwon has a point because if I get Heeseung I'm stomping my way back on the bus demanding the driver to send me back home, if not that I'm calling an Uber," Geonu whispered as he heard their conversation.

Sunoo shakes his head because there is no way Geonu will do that. If he did do that, he will be sad because he wants to try new things with his friends, not let someone get in the way. Is this how Ej feels when we act up and remain calm all times.

"Ermm can I have your attention back instead of having conversations I can't hear out loud" the Assistant principal said with her hands on her hips staring at Geonu and his friends. The Assistant principal went back to talking to all the students.

"I don't know why she's getting on me when all of you started it first" Geonu rolled his eyes and scoffed. "I mean you are the last person she has seen talking" Jake said, laughing. "Shut up Jake, nobody asked" Geonu said. "Just stating the obvious," Jake said with a shrug.

"Can I please get your attention" the Assistant principal said with a glare. Jake immediately zipped his mouth. "No" Geonu said quietly with his arms crossed. Jungwon nudged his elbow to hush him up, so he won't get in trouble. Geonu threw his hands up as if he didn't do anything.

"What did I do, I'm not over the fact she blamed me for talking" Geonu said. "Shh Geonu don't make me get Heeseung to annoy you as the sun comes down" Sunoo said. "Fine" Geonu said, rolling his eyes and pout.

"As I was saying, I will now allow the teachers to assign all students to their Cabins" the Assistant principal said. "When I call your name, you may grab your things and head to your share cabin. The teacher said.

"Heeseung and Geonu" the Teacher said. "Oh hell no" Geonu said. "Teacher come on be generous for once, that will totally make my life better " Geonu said, exaggerating.

"We do not use profanity and Geonu it's stately announced you have to share with Heeseung" Teacher said.

"I hate it here, I can't no longer stay here" Geonu said. "I'm calling an Uber driver" Geonu said, trying to walk away but Sunoo and his friends grabbed onto him. Geonu tried to get out of their grasp as he is swinging and kicking.

"Let me go, I'm not going to share with that gremlin" Geonu said, kicking his feet to get out of their hold. "Enough Geonu, please do it for us, I want us to do something new" Sunoo said, pouting and letting Geonu go.

Geonu stopped and turned to Sunoo seeing that he was sad, and he really wanted to do this. He took a deep sigh and gave in. "Fine but promise me you let me hang around your cabin occasionally" Geonu said with a huff. "Deal" Sunoo said with a smiled and hugged Geonu.

"Are you guys done" Teacher said, "Yes" Geonu said with a sigh and grabbed his things.

Heeseung was too busy talking with Sunghoon, but Jay tapped him on the shoulder and told him he was sharing with Geonu. Heeseung smirked and happily grabbed his things and ran towards Geonu.

Geonu looked him up and down and speed walked to the cabins trying to get away from Heeseung. "Next we have Jake and Sunghoon" Teacher said. Jake's eyes widened, never until this day he would be roommates with his crush.

"O-oh Jake, this is your chance to spend time with your crush" Sunoo said playfully, hitting him on the shoulder. Jake blushed at the fact he was going to roommates with his crush. "What are you doing Jake get your things and get going" the Teacher said.

"Oh" Jake said and put his bag on his shoulders and dragging his suitcase along. But Sunghoon comes toward Jake to help him. "Let me help you. I don't want you to hurt that cute face of yours" Sunghoon said, smirking. Jake tried not to blush but failed to do so. Sunghoon put Jake's bag on his other shoulder, then grabbed his suitcase.

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