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Sunoo was now at home after a long day. He took off his shoes and put on his slippers. Sunoo hung his jacket up on the rack and headed to the fridge.

"Today was a long day for me," Sunoo mumbled as he grabbed his ice cream out of the fridge.

Sunoo walks to the living room couch and watches Netflix's "Extraordinary Attorney Woo". Sunoo rolled his eyes and scoffed at the character, Kwon Min-woo.

"He needs to get a life. It's not Woo-Young-woo's fault that she's smarter than you and does a better job at her work," Sunoo said.

Sunoo then thought about what had happened. I hope Niki feels better. It seemed like he was really struggling to breathe. Does he always have trouble breathing? I hope not. That's really scary to deal with.

"Sunoo baby, Mom is home," Mom said. Sunoo then snaps out of his thoughts. "Don't forget me," Dad said, closing the door. "Did you get your phone back?" Mom said.

"Yes, I did, mom. I told you I could get it back. Doesn't that count as responsibility?" Sunoo said. No, not really; I don't know what made you think of that, but you might want to rethink that," Mom said.

While Sunoo Dad looks back and forward at the two talking, he is enjoying the show. "Anyways, let's get off this subject. "How was school today?" Mom said. Just like that, Dad said in his head

"It was quite something, if you ask me," Sunoo said. "What makes you say that?" Mom said, taking her coat off and placing it on the rack as Dad did the same. Mom then heads to the fridge and gets food out to cook.

"I don't know," Sunoo said, continuing to eat his mint ice cream. "Well, if it was something, it will sort itself out whenever," Mom said.

"Can we quit the talking and get to cooking because a man over here is starving to death? I'm not a talker, I'm an eater. Get to the cooking," Dad says and claps his hands.

"Chop chop, I don't have all day to eat," Dad said as Mom gave him a death glare, holding the knife pointing at him to keep his mouth shut. Sunoo laughed at his Dad being scolded in silence.

Chills went down Dad's spine, then he spoke up and said

"Hey Sunoo, what are you watching?" Dad said and sat on the couch. "Oh, Extraordinary Attorney Woo!" Dad said. Sunoo gave him a look and shook his head, laughing.

Sunoo placed his hand on his dad's shoulder, looked at him, and said, Dad, it's ok to be scared; we all have our days of being afraid," Sunoo said.

"Scared, who said I'm scared? It's not like your mother pointed a knife at me with a death glare, and the stares she gives are that you have one more time to keep on with me," Dad said, rambling on.

Sunoo then laughed, got up, and passed the remote to his Dad. "That's enough for me today; I'm going to go upstairs and talk to my friends on FaceTime," Sunoo said.

"Wait, don't leave me," Dad shouted with a whisper. "I'm going," Sunoo said, smiling while walking upstairs. "What was said?" Mom said, smiling with the knife still slicing the meat.

"Nothing, honey; me and Sunoo were having a good conversation about the show." Dad said Sunoo ran upstairs to not get involved and let his Dad deal with the consequences.

"Tell me what it was about; then I would have a better understanding," Mom said. "Oh, it was about something," Dad said. repeating his words, trying to figure out what it was about.

"That's what I thought; I'll let you slide," Mom said, going back to cooking dinner. Dad awkwardly laughed and got up, went towards her, and hugged her by the waist.

"I'm sorry," he said, kissing her cheeks. "I accept your apology, but it will do me well if you do the laundry," Mom said.

"B-but," Dad said. Mom turned around in his arms and gave him a look. "Fine," Dad sighed, and he went into the laundry room.

"That's what I'm talking about, what they say about teamwork," Mom said. "Dream work makes the teamwork." Dad sighed and took the clothes out of the basket and put them in the washer.

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