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"Where are we heading off to" Jay said pulling out the drive way and started driving. "We are going to go to a tuxedo shop" Niki said scrolling on his phone.

"Huh why are you going there you're trying to marry him already" Jay said confused. "No it's too early for that just let me do this you will see if not I'll tell you about it" Niki said laughing.

"Ok then I'll make sure I have my front row seat to see what's coming" Jay said and took bite of his corn and continued driving.

Niki and Jay arrived at the tuxedo shop and started looking around at the suits. "Do you guys need any help" the work assistant said.

"Yes I need a white button shirt and black suit and black hat" Niki said. Now it was Jay turn to look at Niki with a wtf look he was confused on why Niki need all that.

"Niki why do you need all this stuff" Jay said. "You'll see" Niki said. The work assistant came back with the stuff Niki asked for. "Can I use the fitting room to see how it looks" Niki said.

"Of course follow me" the work assistant said walking to the fitting room then unlocked it. "Thank you" Niki said. "You're welcome" the work assistant said and walked off.

Niki went inside the fitting room looking at the mirror satisfied. "Perfect" Niki said. Niki puts back on his own clothing and went out the fitting room.

Niki goes to the cashier register and pays for it all. He looks over to see Jay was thinking hardly why he is doing all of this. Niki laughs to himself.

"Next stop music shop i need a radio and after that we need to go to the flower shop" Niki said.
"Niki what are you up to like seriously" Jay said constantly trying to get a word out him as they walked out of the store.

Jay and Niki then went to the music shop and bought the radio. They then went to the flower shop and got one rose.

Jay and Niki got back in the car. Jay start driving past the stores as Jay pass the store. Niki tells him to stop. "Jay stop let's look in the jewelry store" Niki said.

Niki and Jay got out the car and went inside the jewelry store. Niki looks around he thought it was a good idea to give matching necklaces.

Finally Jay and Niki made it home. Jay went upstairs to take a shower. Mom was making dinner as Dad was helping Mom also. Niki went upstairs to practice on his dancing.

Niki practice for two hours to get all the dance moves right. Mom knocked on the door to tell him the food is ready. Niki stopped dancing heading downstairs to eat.

Once Niki was done he went to go take a shower. Niki got out the shower and lay down on his bed thinking would his plan turn out good. Niki then falls asleep.


Sunoo walks down the hall he then see Heeseung comes walking towards him. "Hey Sunoo have you seen Niki" Heeseung said.

"No I haven't seen him today" Sunoo said. "Oh ok see you later then" Heeseung said as he begins to walk away from Sunoo.

Sunoo then started to worry was Niki ok was he sick he tried not to worry about and went to class. The bell ring for all students to go home and all the students got up and went out of the class.

Sunoo was packing his stuff but got interrupted one of the student came back to tell him that someone one is looking for him.

"Sunoo Niki wants to see you" the student said with a confused look pointing his finger out the classroom door.

"Niki is here I thought he was going to be out to day since he is late"- Sunoo thought. Sunoo came out the classroom confused he then sees Niki with a white button up shirt with a black suit and hat.

There was also a radio by side him. "Niki what is all this" Sunoo said confused. All the students in the hallway gathered around. Niki didn't say any word then played the music Niki then started dancing to the lyrics.

Micheal Jackson: Billie Jean lyrics

Billie Jean not my lover She's just a girl who claims that I am the one.

But the kid is not my son. But the kid is not my son.

She's says I am the one, but the kid is not my son.

Sunoo was impressed Niki can really dance. Niki was dancing so effortlessly. All the students was clapping their hands even the teachers.

The principal was confused where that loud music coming from so he went out of the office concerned and see that a whole bunch of students huddled around each other. The principal sees Niki dancing and stops and watch.

Niki then finished dancing heading over to Sunoo pulling him by his hand. Niki takes off his hat and picked up the rose that was in his hat and hold it out to Sunoo.

"Sunoo Would you be my Billie Jean" Niki said as he cringes inside but he only doing this for Sunoo. Sunoo blushed he couldn't believe Niki did this all for him.

Sunghoon gave him a stank face. "But it's a problem when I do it I can't stand that kid" Sunghoon said crossing his arms and shakes his head.

"What do you mean about that Niki" Sunoo said.
"Would you go out with me and be my boyfriend" Niki said hoping Sunoo will say yes. "Yes Niki I would love to be your boyfriend" Sunoo said.

Niki spin Sunoo around excited then hugs him. Niki couldn't believe he has a boyfriend now and he couldn't wait to protect him. All the students and teacher clapped their hands cheering for them.

"I knew they were going to get together sooner or later" Jungwon said proudly. "About time it took them long enough I've been waiting forever" Geonu said.

"When is it your turn Geonu" Jake said. "This not about me" Geonu said rolling his eyes. "Well excuse me then" Jake said pouting.

Jungwon hit Geonu on the shoulder to apologize. Geonu hugged Jake and said sorry. Jake smiled and hug back.

"I will pick you up at 2pm at your house" Niki said. Sunoo blushed nodding ok. "Alright my students go home and congratulations Niki and Sunoo" the principal said signaling the students to move along.

Niki and Sunoo went their separate ways. Both Niki and Sunoo ran to their parents telling what happen on their special day.

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