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Sunoo was so confused as to why the stranger ran away and told him not to touch him.

"Taki, do you know what's wrong with your friend?" Sunoo said, full of worry. "I may know," Taki said, worried.

"I'll go and see if he's okay," Taki said. Taki started walking to go find him, but Sunoo stopped him.

"Wait, I'll go find him," Sunoo said as his eyes sparkled. Taki nodded As Sunoo walked to find the stranger. Taki called Jay to let him know what was going on. Taki thought to himself.

"Why did his eyes sparkle like he just fell in love at first sight?" Taki said, mumbling to himself, then walked away confused.

Sunoo started looking through the halls but then went into the bathroom. Sunoo looked at all the stalls and finally found the stranger.

The stranger was breathing hard and panicking. Sunoo got on his knees to be at the stranger's level. "Are you okay?" Sunoo asked.

"I can't breathe" Niki said, Hey, look at me," Sunoo said, trying to get the stranger's attention. Niki shook his head, unable to breathe, but Sunoo said

"Please look at me," Sunoo asked as he put his hands on Niki's shoulders. Niki then looked at him. Sunoo stared at him and said, "Breathe in and out." Niki then took a deep breath, released, and did it again and again.

Sunoo smiled and hugged him. "You're ok now." Niki was surprised that he still hugged him after he lashed out at him. Niki hugged back and smelled.

Sunoo's scent smelled like Vanilla bean flowers. Niki didn't want to let go of Sunoo. Wow, he smells like a mint honey flower. I can smell this all day. Sunoo, focus, you're supposed to comfort him.

"If you ever want to talk to me about it, I'm always here to listen, but tell me when you're ready," Sunoo said. Niki nodded.

"Also, can you perhaps tell me your name because you never once told me?" Sunoo said. Niki chuckled. "It's Niki, and what's yours?" Niki said.

Sunoo got out of his grasp and looked at him in the eye and said, "It's Sunoo." Sunoo said this and smiled as butterflies danced in his stomach as he was staring into Niki's soul. Niki smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Sunoo, Niki said. "Nice to meet you, Niki," Sunoo said with a smile. Niki smiled and backed away.

"We should go now; my brother Jay must be worried about me," Niki said. Niki and Sunoo both got up. Sunoo then realized

"Wait, that name sounds familiar," Sunoo said, thinking. Niki looked at Sunoo, confused. "Oh, one of my friends has a crush on Jay." Sunoo began to laugh.

Niki shook his head. "I hate to say this, but Jay is a player, and if he's the one that can make him act right, that will be nice to see," Niki said.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that; my friend Jungwon is good at that," Sunoo said.

"We should head to class now," Niki said. Sunoo nod. Niki let Sunoo head out first, and as Sunoo was about to walk off, Niki grabbed his wrist.

"Don't go, yet I didn't get the chance to say thank you for calming me down," Niki said.

"Thank you for calming down," Niki said, staring into Sunoo's sparkling eyes. Can he stop looking at me like that? It is a crime to be too handsome to look into a beautiful guy eyes like me like that, Sunoo said in his thoughts.

"Don't say that it was meant for me to calm you down; remember what I said—I'm always here. See you later." Sunoo smiled and walked away.

"Maybe I should try to give him a chance." Niki chuckled, walked away, and sighed.

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