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Hype university

"I just can't believe Taki has a boyfriend now; who would've known it was Daniel?" Geonu said. "Don't worry, you will be next when you get Heeseung," Sunoo said.

"Heeseung annoys me every day, and I just want to snap my fingers like Thanos to make him disappear. Besides, Heeseung is far from my type,"  Geonu said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry, but that's what they all say, and with a flip of a switch, they are together," Jake said with a shrug.

"Well, to tell you this, I'm not one of them," Geonu said. The rest gave Geonu a look of, Are you sure? "I just can't wait," Sunoo said, smiling.

"Can't wait for what?" Geonu questioned. "Oh, nothing," Sunoo said. Hanbin, Jungwon, Jake, and Ej laughed as they knew what Sunoo meant.

Sunoo and the rest were walking down the halls when they saw Taki's friends and Niki dancing with passion.

Dance off club

"Ugh Why can't I get this part right? Niki, teach me," Sunghoon said with a groan. "It looks like someone is grumpy," Heeseung said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

While Niki is dancing by himself and not listening to the conversation.

"Dang Sunghoon, did you get rejected or something couldn't be me?" K said. Jay tried not to laugh.

"Hey, K," Sunghoon said, sitting down with his arms crossed. "What?" K asks while drinking his Water bottle. "Fuck you," Sunghoon said.

"No, thanks; I'm not interested, but then again, thanks for the offer," K said, sticking his tongue out.

"The people I deal with," Nicholas said, shaking his head and leaning on the wall, watching them bicker.

Sunghoon rolled his eyes, then called Niki again.

"Niki," Sunghoon said. Niki stopped dancing and went to the center in front of the mirror.

"All of you get into your position, so we won't have problems with the moves, including you, Nicholas," Niki said. Nicholas widened his eyes.

"Last time I checked, I was in B.Boying, not Dance Off Club," Nicholas said.

"What if someone is not feeling well? We will need an extra person," Niki said. "Omg, Niki is making himself more attractive," Heeseung said.

"Shut up," Sunghoon said, not in the mood. Heeseung threw his hands up. "What did I do?" Heeseung said.

"Just shut up," Sunghoon said. "Ok," Heeseung said, pouting. Sunghoon then looked over at Heeseung, pouting, and sighed.

"I'm just joking; put a smile on your face," Sunghoon said. Heeseung then smiled because Sunghoon never fails to show his soft side.

"Alright, let's get started with the dancing and then talk," Niki said. All of them followed Niki's lead, step by step. As Niki was dancing, he looked at the reflection in the mirror and saw Sunoo, and he stopped dancing.

"Guys, we have been caught hide," Sunoo said. They all thought about one thing: hiding behind Sunoo. They hide behind Sunoo.

"Not behind me," Sunoo said, slapping his forehead. "You said hide," Jungwon said. They all nodded in agreement.

"If I can just die from embarrassment, that would be nice," Sunoo said. Hanbin's eyes wandered around, and he saw his crush, but then he looked down. Ej noticed but didn't say anything.

"What brings you guys here?" Niki said as he ran his fingers through his hair. Sunoo couldn't open his mouth as he stared at Niki. Sunoo then thought out loud.

"Why is he so sexy?" Sunoo said. They all looked at Sunoo. Jungwon hit Sunoo on the shoulder, trying to get his attention. "Sunoo", Jungwon said with a whisper. Sunoo then thought for a moment.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" Sunoo said. "Yes, you did,"Jungwon said with a sigh, then laughed, and the rest did as well. "Well, thank you," Niki said with a smirk. Wow, Sunoo, you're such a genius for saying that out loud. Kill me now, Sunoo.

I'm supporting my lil cousin on her taegyu story love you so much 💕💗Hiyyihlomll

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