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"I was just saying when you dance, you look sexy," Sunoo said. They all gave him a questionable look. Shut up, Sunoo; you're making it worse. Jungwon then thought of an idea.

"Ha ha, he's joking, Sunoo. Have you been taking your medicine lately?" Jungwon said, turning Sunoo towards him in concern as he put his hand on his forehead.

Jungwon then signals his head to Jake, and the rest get what he is doing. Jake made an ah sound as he had now been caught up.

"Sunoo, what have I told you, You need to start taking your medicine," Jake said, raising a finger at him. Sunoo then looked confused.

"You will go crazier than you already are if you don't take it," Geonu said as he faked being annoyed. "You need a lot of rest so you can feel better," Ej said. Niki, Jay, and the rest were concerned.

"We will get going now; we are very worried about him," Jungwon said as he pushed Sunoo in the right direction down the halls. "They're lying, aren't they?" Niki said. "Yep," K said. "Isn't it obvious?" Sunghoon said.

"Jay, I haven't seen you flirt around with that boy. What's his name again? Jungwon, isn't it?" Heeseung said. Niki goes to the mirror and closes his eyes from tiredness.

"No, I'm waiting for him to start action, but he hasn't. I don't have time. I'm going to make out with somebody now. See you all later." Jay said this and walked out the door, heading to go fool around.

All of them sighed, knowing why Jay is protecting his heart not to catch feelings for Jungwon. And that reason is what happened to Niki. But Niki doesn't know about why Jay does that. Heeseung, K, Sunghoon, and Nicholas started to dance again to get the moves right.

While Niki is thinking about Sunoo, should he communicate with him or not. Niki started questioning himself because he took an interest into liking Sunoo and wanted to get to know him and fight off the fear.

But Niki doesn't want to do it as soon; he wants to do small talk whenever it happens. If the universe wanted him to talk to a lover, it would guide him to that lover.

"Thank you, Jungwon; you saved my life. How could I repay you?" Sunoo said. "You being in a coffin would be nice," Jungwon said with a smile. The rest widened their eyes at what Jungwon said.

"What's with this behavior, Jungwon?" Sunoo said, crossing his arms. "Sunoo, have you forgotten I literally have to flirt with Jay and get him to like me." Jungwon said. "How is this my fault?" Sunoo said.

"If you hadn't provoked me, this wouldn't have happened." Jungwon said this and pouted. "You're the one decided to listen to me; I was giving you a suggestion; I didn't know you were actually going for it," Sunoo said.

"Learn not to listen to a fox; they have tricks up their sleeves," Sunoo said. Jungwon then sighed. Sunoo looked at his friend, then went sad and huffed.

"Fine, we will help you and give you ideas," Sunoo said. Jungwon then smiled and hugged Sunoo.

"Wait a minute, who are we?" Geonu said. "What do you mean" Sunoo said. "There's no we in this; I suck at giving ideas; I'd rather be on my couch and watch Netflix, crying my heart out because of sad movies," Geonu said. Jake laughed.

"Or I have a better idea. I can legit walk my two little legs back to that dance studio and get Heeseung your schedule," Sunoo said and smiled. Geonu gasped and widened his eyes at Sunoo.

Jake then stopped laughing with concern. Hanbin was worried, while Ej was lost for words.

"Wow, Sunoo, you really are a fox, but the good type, but also the tricky one," Ej said. Jungwon shook his head at his best friend. Fine, I will help," Geonu said.

Jungwon smiled and then thought for a moment: "Taki and Daniel must be hanging out a lot lately," Jungwon said.

"That's what happens when you get a boyfriend," Sunoo said, smiling. Is Niki that type of boyfriend? Wait, why am I asking that question? What the hell am I going insane for? Do I really need medicine? - Sunoo.

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