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Hype camp

Hanbin came out of the shower, he wondered was it the right time to give the gift to K. Hanbin was trying to not overthinking, so he took deep breaths and gained the courage to tap K on his shoulder.

K was sitting down on the bottom bunk, tying his shoelaces. K felt a gentle tap on his shoulder, so he lifted his head up, seeing a shy Hanbin face to the ground standing in front of him.

"— I-I...got you something" Hanbin said with a stuttered and a heart beating 10 times fast. Hanbin wanted to disappear far away for being so nervous to end up stuttering.

Hanbin went to where his big bag was and carefully grabbed it. Hanbin turned to see K with a smile on his face, patiently waiting as his eyes travel looking at Hanbin. Hanbin revealed what was in the bag and it was a Dahlia flower.

Hanbin been working on it in the Garden club to keep it safe and lively. Hanbin made it just for K to have that special item to remind him of his mom while she wasn't here on earth. K slowly got up as he saw one of the things his mom loves, his eyes became teary.

K looked up to the ceiling talking to his mom. "Look mom it's beautiful isn't it" K said. "I'll make sure to keep it safe just for you and even myself" K said and blew a kiss. Hanbin then started to cry, he wished his mom were still here for K.

K grabbed the plant from Hanbin and sat the plant down and hugged Hanbin. "It's ok I'm ok, there is no need to cry" K said, rocking Hanbin back and forward to calm him down. "It's the best gift I ever asked for. "Thank you" K said. Hanbin hugged him back as he slowly calmed down.

"Looks like I have another plant to take care of" K said as Hanbin lift his head up and hit him softly laughing. K faked being in pain just to cheer him up. "Make sure you make a schedule to keep the plant up and going" Hanbin said while K quietly listened.

"Cut the dead stuff, not too much sunlight, don't water too much, get fertilizer and sprinkle some on there. I will get you a bottle of spray" Hanbin said rambling he then stopped, seeing that K was listening to him while his hand resting on his waist.

"O-oh I didn't mean to ramble on"Hanbin said. "No continue it's cute" K said. Hanbin blushed. K laughed. "We should get going to see what the principal assistant wants us to do" K said as he removed his hand slowly from Hanbin waist. Hanbin nodded, missing the feeling of being held.

Niki walks inside Jay and Jungwon Cabin, he closed the door and saw Jay laying there like he didn't do anything. "Jay what's going on with you" Niki said. Jay sat up and saw that Niki was in his Cabin. "What do you mean" Jay said confused.

"You know what I mean" Niki said. "I clearly don't Niki if I asked" Jay said. "What I mean is why we're you making out with a girl in front of Jungwon" Niki said, getting to the point.

"I didn't know he was there, besides why does it matter and why do you even care"Jay said as he stands up facing Niki.

"Because I care about Sunoo and I feel bad for Jungwon because he is trying his hardest, yes , I admit it, I'm starting to like Sunoo day by day"Niki said. "But Jay give Jungwon a chance you never know what it will turn out into" Niki said. "No Niki" Jay said as his anger is boiling up.

"Why won't you I don't like seeing you as a player. it's not getting anywhere" Niki said. "Well you're not me, so what gives you the right to care"Jay said. "Why do I care so much because you're my brother dumbass"Niki said with a frown. "Don't care about it so much if it's bothering you so much" Jay said.

"Jay stop being an asshole and tell me what's the problem" Niki said, yelling with anger. "YOU WANT TO KNOW SO BAD FINE I WILL SAY IT, I DON'T WANT THE SAME THING TO HAPPEN TO ME OF WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH"Jay said with angry tears falling.

Niki faced softened then hugged his brother, patting his back. "Jay what happened to me back then won't happen to you" Niki said. "That issue won't become your problem" Niki said.

"So unraveled the chains from your heart and let it loose and be free" Niki said. Jay let out a deep breath he knew Niki was right and want what's best for him.

"Give Jungwon a chance and let both of you win each other's hearts" Niki said. Jay lifted his head up and wiped his tears and smiled. "Where did you learn such words, has Sunoo been growing on you" Jay said.

"I guess he has" Niki said, laughing. "Go freshen up and get your head in the game" Niki said. Jay then gave him a glare, he can't stand High school musical.

Jay remembered the time he got punished and got his remote taking away from his Dad. Niki was just standing there sticking his tongue out and ran. High school musical was playing non-stop, then it will go on Disney commercial break and repeat the same process.

Niki laughed "Sorry Hyung I didn't mean, no harm" Niki said, holding his stomach. "You did now get out" Jay said, kicking him to get out the door. "Alright"Niki said laughing leaving out of the door. "Kids these days he's growing up on me" Jay said, shaking his head walking to the bathroom.

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