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"Hey, did you give Mom her birthday gift?" Jay said this while playing a game on the tv. Jay's friends were on the couch watching."Yeah, it was quite hard to find anything; I had to ask the woman at the register," Niki said.

"Mom hugged me so tight that she didn't let go, and Dad had to help me get out of her grip," Niki said, smiling, then walking to the fridge to grab himself some water.

"Niki, I'm going to be honest with you; that doesn't sound like you will look good and work hard for me. I bet you ask for help immediately." Sunghoon said, folding his arms and paying attention to Jay playing the game.

"How would you know" Niki said as he walked over to the couch to sit down. "Niki, are you serious We know how you are," K says, laughing, as Sunghoon was being hit by K's laughter.

Sunghoon gave him a death glare and took
his hands off him. K only faked laughing at Sunghoon and rolling his eyes.

While Jay is paying no mind and just playing fiercely at his game. Niki rolled his eyes and crossed his arms at his friends.

"By the way, where are Heeseung and Nicholas" Niki asked. "Heeseung is in the room bothering somebody named Geonu," and Nicholas is at the dance studio b.boying," Sunghoon said.

Niki was about to say something but then closed his mouth and said, "I'm not going to even ask." Niki relaxes and closes his eyes for a bit.

Niki then pictured the thought about cute, adorable, innocent-looking, pretty, and beautiful guy with sparkling eyes he saw earlier, and his stomach started having butterflies, something he hadn't experienced in a while.

"Jay, did you buy my strawberries" Niki asked. "Yeah, they're in the fridge", Jay said. Niki walks to the fridge, takes out his strawberries, and proceeds to put them in the microwave.

Niki yawns as his hands are in his pocket, looking at the TV. Smoke starts to travel through the air.

"What's that smell" Jay stops his game, K and Sunghoon begin to sniff the air, and Niki is just standing there confused.

"NIKI THE MICROWAVE!" Jay shouted.

"OHHH!" Niki stopped the microwave and took the strawberries out; inside the microwave, everything was burned. K laughed, dying on the couch.

"You idiot, why would you put strawberries in the microwave" Sunghoon said, laughing. Heeseung came into the living room, laughing as he heard the commotion.

"No, NO, no." "I just got this microwave. My precious baby is ruined, Niki. How could you" Jay said, hugging his microwave. They all couldn't help but laugh at Jay.

"I'm sorry, Hyung; I didn't mean it." Niki apologized while laughing. "I don't understand why you're being overdramatic; Nicholas will buy you another one." Heeseung said, smiling at Jay's silliness. Jay stops and raises his head from the microwave.

"You're right, I knew I could count on Nicholas when I needed help from my real friend. "He's like a father to me," Jay said, wiping his fake tears.

"What about us Aren't we your real friends" K said, throwing the strawberries in the trash.

"Y'all come in last place on the list; I'm sorry I had to say it; you all did it for me". Jay turned off his game and went into his room. Once he left, we all fell out laughing. "Now that's out the way I can finally now watch tv," Sunghoon said, being happy that Jay left.

"The fact we have to go to school tomorrow makes me want to disappear," K said, sighing as he walked back towards the couch to sit down on his phone and scroll through Instagram.

Heeseung grabbed the Nintendo off the TV
stand, sat down, and started playing. Niki yawns.

"Alright, I'm headed to my room to take a nap," Niki said. Sunghoon and Heeseung nod their heads as they are occupied with what they're doing.

As Niki turns "his phone" on to set the alarm like he normally does, he notices the wallpaper is light pink with a Hello Kitty in the middle of it.

As Niki turns "his phone" on to set the alarm like he normally does, he notices the wallpaper is light pink with a Hello Kitty in the middle of it

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"Did we get a new update? Why is everything pink?" Niki said. Niki stares at the wall and thinks, then opens his door and yells out.


"NO NIKI We didn't, and why would they do something like that in the first place?" K yelled back. "STOP YELLING; I'M TRYING TO SLEEP; HAVE SOME MANNERS!" Jay yelled. "SORRY HYUNG!" we all yelled back.

"STOP YELLING!" Jay said, and he slammed his door. Niki laughed but then decided to go to his photo as a thought came to mind. "Oh, it's the cute guy's phone from earlier". Niki thought out loud.

I guess to call my phone tomorrow to hand it over to him and sort it out from there. Niki shrugs, falls on the bed, and immediately goes to sleep.

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