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Heeseung made sure he had everything on the counter. Heeseung asked Geonu on a baking date, so they can make cookies and also to make process for Geonu to like him.

Geonu steps on Heeseung porch and rings the doorbell nervously. Heeseung made sure he looked good, fixing his hair, then opened the door.

"Come in" Heeseung said. Geonu walked in. Heeseung shut the door behind him. "What are we baking" Geonu said, playing with his fingers.

"We are baking cookies, let's go to the kitchen"  Heeseung said. He forgot to mention something as well.

"Ok we are going to make cookies on our date blindfolded" Heeseung said."Huh, is that even possible" Geonu said as he widened his eyes.

"Of course it is I'm not going to be blindfolded you are"Heeseung said. " I will guide you" Heeseung said laughing. "Oh, you scared me for a sec," Geonu said.

"Ok, let me tie the blindfold on you" Heeseung said. Geonu turned around, letting Heeeeung tie the blindfold on. Heeseung placed the bowl in front of Geonu. "Do you feel the bowl" Heeseung said. Geonu nodded.

"Ok you have to add 3 1/4 of flour" Heeseung said, passing the flour next to Geonu and placing the measuring cup in his hand. Geonu started feeling butterflies from that interaction.

"I'll tell you when to stop pouring" Heeseung said. Geonu started pouring the flour. "Ok, stop next will be 1 teaspoon of baking soda" Heeseung said.

Heeseung then thought of something sneaky, he placed flour on Geonu's head. Heeseung laughed. Geonu felt flour pour on his face. Geonu took his blindfold off and grabbed a handful of flour.

"You better run"Geonu said. Heeseung took no time into doing so. Geonu ran after Heeseung, leaving Heeseung laughing while running.

Geonu also laughed and threw the flour on Heeseung. Geonu tried to run away, but, leading him to trip and land on his back on the couch due to the cable cord.

"Are you alright" Heeseung said, trying to see if he's ok, but he trips on the cord also landing on top of Geonu.

Geonu and Heeseung stared at each other. Geonu couldn't stop staring at how attractive Heeseung . Not only he is attractive, he notices he has a cute personality.

Geonu finally wondered why he always felt weird, it was because of Heeseung. He always kept pushing his feelings away, never noticing he liked Heeseung back, but he finally opened his eyes and saw.

"I like you" Geonu said. "Repeat that" Heeseung said, not sure if he heard that correctly or what.

"I like you Heeseung and I kept ignoring it and pushing my feelings away, not noticing. I'm sorry I didn't realize it before" Geonu said, looking down.

"I like you too, I always did" Heeseung said and kissed Geonu on the lips, holding his waist as Geonu kissed back and wrapped his hands around Heeseung neck.

"Wait we didn't even finish the cookies" Heeseung said, breaking the kiss. "We can finish that later" Geonu said, bringing Heeseung neck back down to kiss him again. Heeseung smirked and kissed him.


Jay couldn't believe Jungwon gave him a chance from these past days, he starts to like Jungwon a lot.

Jay always called Jungwon every hour, and they were always falling asleep together on FaceTime from talking and laughing.

Today was the day he goes on a date with Jungwon which is at a beach stargazing, and he hoped Jungwon would like it.

Jay picks up Jungwon from his house. "You look pretty" Jay said as he sees Jungwon with a green sweater and dark blue jeans. "You look nice as well" Jungwon said, face turning red.

"We should get going" Jay said. Jungwon nodded. Jay said, opening his dad's passenger door. Because Niki took his freaking car.

Jay closed the door and got into the car, heading to the beach. Jay and Jungwon started walking on the beach, they decided to walk in silence hearing the beach waves.

Jay and Jungwon sat down in the sand and looked up at the sky, looking at the stars. Jungwon was admiring the stars that he didn't see Jay admiring him.

"Jungwon" Jay said. "I should've known from the start how beautiful you are" Jay said. Jungwon blushed and smiled as his dimples shown.

"It's ok Jay not everyone notices how good someone is from the start, but look where you are now" Jungwon said. "You are truly bold"Jay said and smirk. "And I'll make sure I give you my all" Jay said as he leans in closer to Jungwon face, making Jungwon shut his eyes.

Jay kissed him, his lips were different from all the other girls he kissed. This kind of kiss was precious and love that he couldn't get enough of.

"I wonder if my plant injang ok all alone" Jungwon said, randomly breaking the kiss. "Really all of a sudden" Jay said laughing.

"What I miss my child" Jungwon said. "Alright I'll take you home to meet your child" Jay said, shaking his head.


Ej and Nicholas headed inside the pottery shop. Nicholas tied Ej apron around him. Ej smiled and blushed to himself.

Ej and Nicholas started making cups and other things that came to mind to them for each other. They both laughed and smiled at the things they made.

"Nicholas I need your help with this one" Ej said. "What are you trying to make"Nicholas said and walked over to Ej. "A flower base for my grandma" Ej said and smiled.

Nicholas smiled back and helped. Nicholas was behind Ej holding his hands, helping him make the vase. Nicholas was so in focus that he didn't know Ej was stealing glances at him.

Ej couldn't help but turn around, wrapping his arms around his neck and kissed him. Nicholas was stunned. "What was that for" Nicholas said.
"For being so hot while you focus"Ej said, smiling. Nicholas shook his head.

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