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"You can do it. Taki, don't be nervous; shake off the feeling Sunoo voiced in Taki's head. "I can't believe I'm doing this right now," Taki said, walking down the halls.

Taki went inside his classroom zoning out thinking about what he should say to Daniel also along with that he didn't want to listen to his math teacher, or he will lose more brain cells than there already are. Taki just told himself, Just be yourself and act naturally.

The bell rang as it was time for lunch. Taki grabbed his stuff and headed to the cafeteria, where his friends were. Taki saw Daniel laughing at Sunoo while Sunoo just rolled his eyes.

Taki took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing," Taki said. Taki walked to go get his tray, then headed to his friend's table.

"Hey guys, so what are we talking about?" Taki said as he tried not to look at Daniel more than once.

"We were talking about how Sunoo found out what your friend's name is," Jake said, teasing Sunoo. "What did he say about that?" Taki said, laughing.

Sunoo gave a glare to Geonu, Jake, and Jungwon while Hanbin, Ej, and Daniel were just observing and eating. "He's so hot," Jake said, mimicking Sunoo's voice. "I want to get to know him," Geonu said.

"I wonder if he would be the type of person to take me to the amusement park if he let me get on his back," Jungwon said. Sunoo glared and rolled his eyes. "I'm not that delusional now," Sunoo said with his arms crossed.

"But you were thinking about those options," Jungwon said, raising his eyebrows and then digging his spoon into his ice cream. Sunoo blushed.

"You're not the one to talk; I saw how you were eyeing Jay as he talks to girls and guys at the locker, flirting with them, wishing that was you," Sunoo said.

Taki and Daniel shook their heads as the rest of their friends laughed at their argument. "We all know you wouldn't walk up to Jay to make him have his eyes on you". Sunoo said. Jungwon widened his eyes.

"Are you underestimating me?" Jungwon said. "No one said we were; that's just a statement," Sunoo said.

"Oh bet I will walk over there and make him notice me," Jungwon said. "Go ahead," Sunoo said. Jungwon got up, stared Sunoo in the eye, and stomped away, making his way to Jay's table.

"Dang, I didn't actually think he was going to go for it," Sunoo said with a smirk. Sunoo, you sneaky little fox," Taki said.

"Sunoo He is totally going to freak out" Hanbin said with worried. "Are we sure about this?" Ej said in unease.

"He will be fine to do it; don't worry, it's Jungwon we're talking about here; when has he ever let down a fight?" Sunoo said laughing.

Daniel sneaks a look at Taki while Taki is texting someone. Sunoo notices him as he is drinking his strawberry milk.

"Is something wrong?" Sunoo asked Taki. Taki was focused on the phone with concern and looked up when Sunoo questioned him.

"Oh, it's my mom; she was telling me about how my dog Loki was at the vet, and she couldn't stay there because the hospital was asking for help," Taki said.

Sunoo glanced at Daniel as his shoulders finally relaxed, and then he focused back on Taki. "Is Loki alright?" Sunoo said.

"Not really; my mom says he's been vomiting, and he won't recover until 1 or 2 days." Taki said a sigh as his legs shaked from nervousness about his dog being okay.

"I'm going to skip school for the rest of the day to take care of him the rest of the day," Taki said, and he put his backpack on his shoulder and threw his trash away.

Taki began walking out of the cafeteria. Today was supposed to be the day I flirted with Daniel, but maybe next time. -Taki.

Daniel was worried and wanted to help out, so he got up, threw his tray, and headed to where Taki was going. Sunoo and his friends looked at the situation, which took an unexpected turn.

"Well, that escalated quicker than I imagined," Sunoo said, laughing. Sunoo, I can't believe you plan to tell that to Daniel so he can calm down," Geonu said.

"If you want things to work out with your crush, why give up the opportunity to not let it happen?" Sunoo said with a shrug.

"That's funny; you should be telling yourself that, then give others help and advice," Geonu said, drinking his soda. Jake laughed at Geonu's words.

Sunoo glared and rolled his eyes. "I don't know about you all, but I'm worried about Jungwon," Hanbin said. "He's ok, Hanbin, don't worry, Ej said.

"Yeah, like Ej said, he will be fine next day; he will curse us out or post on Instagram what he got himself into," Sunoo said, laughing and sighed with excitement.

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