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Hype University

Sunoo saw a young boy, papers scatter to the ground as he was walking down the hall. Sunoo goes to the young boy and picks up the papers for him.

"Thank you" the boy said shyly. "You're welcome, you must be new" Sunoo said, smiling. "What's your name" Sunoo said. As Sunoo observes the boy, he notices he looks young.

Seo-yun fidgeted with the papers, feeling like he should talk more. "Yes" the boy said. "My name is Hai-Liu, but my Korean name is Choi Seo-yun" Seo-yun said. "My Mom is Chinese, my Dad is Korean"Seo-yun said shyly. Sunoo nods and smiled while listening.

"We came back to Korea from China because he got accepted from the job"Seo-yun said. "Welcome back to Korea and my name is Kim Sunoo" Sunoo said.

"How old are you" Sunoo said. "I'm 16 years old" Seo-yun said. Sunoo gasped and covered one hand over his mouth. "You are the same age as my best friend Taki" Sunoo said.

"I can tell we're going to be best friends" Sunoo says and hugs him and smiles. Seo-yun smiled back and giggled. As Sunoo continues talking to Seo-yun the intercom comes on and makes Sunoo and Seo-yun jump from the sound.

"All students report to the auditorium" the principal assistant said. Sunoo was confused why they had to go, then dragged Seo-yun arm towards the auditorium. Sunoo saw Jungwon and the rest looking for him, So, Sunoo waved his hand in the air to get their attention.


"Over here" Sunoo said, standing on his tip toes for them to see him. Jungwon and the rest saw him and went towards Sunoo. "Why are we in the auditorium and is that a new student" Jungwon said. Sunoo shrugs and nodded yes.

"This is Seo-yun isn't he so cute, and he is the same age as Taki too"Sunoo said and hugs Seo-yun. Seo-yun smiled shyly. They all waved to Seo-yun. Hanbin walks over to Seo-yun and joined the hug.

Jungwon sighs and shakes his head while Geonu does the same, Jake and Ej laughs. "Let the boy breathe, he just got here" Geonu said. "Shush Geonu no one's talking to you" Sunoo said as he drags Seo-yun with him to go sit down Seo-yun then almost tripped as Sunoo drags him.

"See what I mean" Geonu said with a sigh,"The kid almost fell" Jungwon said as he slaps his forehead and then shakes his head. "I feel bad for him, he will experience the same thing I've been through," Jake said. "I almost lost my legs that day at the mall" Jake said, laughing. "Poor kid" Ej said with a chuckle.

Jungwon and the rest go sit beside Sunoo. They sat for like a few minutes for the teachers and the principal to come. Sunoo was talking to Jungwon but then stopped as he sees Niki, Jay, and his friends walk into the auditorium.

Taki and Daniel walk into the auditorium and spot Sunoo and the rest of his best friends. "We're here, sorry we late," Taki said and smiled. Daniel smiles and waves to his bestfriends.

"Look who decided to join us where we're you, we haven't seen you for 3 days" Geonu said, crossing his arms. "You too Daniel, you haven't been around, and it's been lonely without" Geonu said, avoiding eye contact with Daniel.

Daniel laughs that Geonu actually cares about him and just teases him a lot. "Aww Geonu we haven't been around because we were taking care of Loki, and we wanted to spend time with each other and get to know each other more," Daniel said.

Hanbin smiled and was glad Geonu realized he cared for Daniel so much. Ej laughs secretly and happy that they're bonding. Jungwon,Sunoo and Jake laughs as Seo-yun smiles and found the group interesting and also funny.

Niki and Jay and the rest walked through the auditorium. Sunoo was too busy talking to Jungwon but then stopped when he saw Niki walking through the auditorium. Jungwon was confused where Sunoo was looking at, so he looked at the direction Sunoo head was turned

Jungwon spotted Jay, he turned backed around and pouted and crossed his arms. Because he still hasn't found the right time to gain up the courage to fight for him. He knew Jay was already fooling around with someone by now.

Ej noticed Jungwon pouting as he turns back around in his seat. He looked back what was the reason for Jungwon to pout. But then he sees a certain someone and that person is Nicholas.

Ej widened his eyes and blushed as his head turned around so fast as he speaks in his thoughts why is he there where ever I go. Hanbin sees Ej face red, he tilted his head in confusion then put his hand on Ej forehead. "What's wrong" Hanbin said. "Turn around and see what I've seen" Ej said.

Hanbin turns around and saw K laughing at his friend Jay. Hanbin blushes as he likes seeing K laugh and smile, he then turned back around and played with his fingers.

Niki noticed Sunoo staring from the corner of his eye but didn't look his way, he then put his head down and smiled. Jay noticed and was questioning is he alright.

"I'm so bored Taki entertain me"Jake said, shaking Taki arms. "Sure let me entertain you, would you leave me alone after this" Taki said. Jake nods his head.

"Look behind you the person you've been talking about is standing right there" Taki said. Daniel laughs and was ready to see Jake's reaction. Jake looked back as his eyes grew bigger at the sight.

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