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K was inspired by Niki, so he gained up his courage and pulled Hanbin to the side. K was nervous to confessing. "Is there something you want to talk about K" Hanbin said, concerned.

"Would you like to go out with me to the Botanical Garden" K said. Hanbin was surprised, like how is this happening, K is literally asking him to date him.

"Yes" Hanbin said and hugged him tightly, he didn't want to let go because he thought it was a dream. K hugged back and smiled.

Heeseung asked Geonu on a baking date over his house. Taki asked Daniel on an ice cream date. Nicholas asked Ej on a pottery date. Sunghoon asked Jake on an ice skate date. Jay asked Jungwon on a stargazing beach date. If Niki can do it, they can do it too.


Sunno wanted to dye his hair blond, so he did so. Sunoo was looking through his closet trying to find the perfect outfit for their date. Sunoo never knew he was going to get a boyfriend anytime soon, and he wants this moment to be special.

Sunoo finally found the good outfit, which was a plaid light blue shirt with dark blue jeans and light blue converse. Sunoo looks in the mirror to see if he looks good.

Sunoo goes downstairs to ask his Mom and Dad how he looks. "Mom and Dad, how do I look" Sunoo said. "You look wonderful, sweetie" Mom said. "You look great Sunoo" Dad said.

"Do we get to see how he looks" Dad said. "No" Sunoo said. Mom and Dad pouted and sighed.
"Fine, you can see, I'll introduce him to you" Sunoo said.

Sunoo hears a knock. He knew it was Niki, his heart started beating fast. "Act normal, don't embarrass me" Sunoo said. "We won't" Mom and Dad said at the same time.

Sunoo opened the door to see Niki wearing a white shirt with a cream color vest and ripped jeans. He's so hot—Sunoo said. "You look beautiful," Niki said, eyeing him up and down.

"Thank you" Sunoo said, blushing. "You look nice as well" Sunoo said. "Let me introduce you to my parents, they want to see you" Sunoo said, taking his hand to come in.

"Mom and Dad, this is Niki" Sunoo said. Sunoo saw how his Mom and Dad noticed Niki faded scars, but didn't say anything. Mom squealed at how cute they looked.

"So this is the boy my baby couldn't stop talking about" Mom said.

"Wow how come he's handsomer than me put your Dad on the phone I want to speak to him" Dad said. Mom hits his shoulder to make him hush.

"If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask us" Mom said. Dad nodded with agreement. "Yes ma'am I will" Niki said. "Oh don't call me ma'am, call me Mom" Mom said. "And call me Dad" Dad said.

"Mom and Dad, you're embarrassing me" Sunoo said. "What makes you think we weren't going to" Mom said. "Let me take a picture" Mom said.

Sunoo sighs. Niki and Sunoo pose for the camera. Sunoo mom didn't stop clicking the camera button. "Alright mom, we have to go" Sunoo said, dragging him out the door.

"Take care of him son Niki" Dad said yelling. "I will sir-" Niki said. Sunoo dad gave him a look. "I mean dDad" Niki said clearing his throat nervously. Sunoo Dad smile. Sunoo gave his Dad a look while the Mom hit him on the shoulder. Dad wince in pain. Sunoo smiles and walked to the car. Niki, open the car door for Sunoo by the way, he was using Jay's car for the day. Niki didn't want to ride his motorcycle with Sunoo just yet.

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