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Hype Camp

"Ugh Sunoo why do you need all of this stuff with you" Jungwon said, grunting struggling with two heavy backpacks on his shoulder and dragging two suitcases to the bus.

"Because I need to be prepared in case something happens" Sunoo said with a smile, bringing another big bag out of his mom's car. Jungwon was dumbfounded as his mouth opened.

"You might want to close your mouth or a fly will fly right in it" Sunoo said. Jungwon still hasn't closed his mouth.

"No literally you need to close your mouth the flies are bad today" Sunoo said, swiping his hands at the flies, going towards the bus to put his bag in there. Jungwon closes his mouth seeing that there are actual flys around.

"Jungwon when will you make a move on Jay" Sunoo said. "I'm going to once we get at the camp and get situated" Jungwon said with a huff and put his backpack on.

Jake approaches with one bag and suitcase. "See Sunoo this is how normal people pack when they go to places" Jungwon said.

"I guess I'm not normal then" Sunoo said with a shrug. Jake laughs. From a distance, you can see Geonu getting frustrated and annoyed talking to Heeseung with his arms crossed.

Sunoo laughs to himself then stops as he hears his mom speaking. "Alright sweetie are you ready" Sunoo mom said with her head out the window. "Yes Mom tell Dad I love you, see you after 4 days" Sunoo said, kissing his mom's cheeks.

"Love you Sunoo stay safe, be careful, eat well don't do anything I won't do" Mom said and drove off. "She doesn't know that you will do the opposite" Jake said, shaking his head.

"What did I ever do to you Jake" Sunoo pouted and crossed his arms. Jungwon laughs, then turns his head to see Hanbin and Ej making their way to them.

"Alright students enough chitchat time to get on the bus". "Make sure you have all your belongings" Mr.Park said.


All students made their way to the bus and made their way to the seats. Sunoo happily made it to his seat with his backpack in his lap, smiling.

Sunoo was very excited to feel a new atmosphere around him, it will be fun to do some activities and meet new people. Sunoo took a deep sigh and faced the window.

Niki, Jay and the rest got onto the bus as Niki  noticed Sunoo but then he looked two seats back at Jungwon panicking with his eyes. Niki felt bad for him because he must feel pressured.

"Jay you should sit with Jungwon he is trying to make an effort" Niki said. "Why should I if he wanted to make an effort then he would at least give it a try," Jay said. Niki rolled his eyes and sighed.

"There's a saying when the time is right," Niki said, turning Jay to face him to know he was serious. Jay looked at Niki and realized he was serious. "I'll think about it" Jay said sadly. Niki frowns on how Jay's voice changed into a sad expression.

"Hate to ruin the moment but can you move your ass to the seat I'm trying to sit down" Sunghoon said with a groan, waiting for a minute to sit down.

Heeseung, K and Nicholas started laughing at Sunghoon behavior. Jay and Niki shook their heads and began to walk down the aisle to their seats. Jay made eye contact with Jungwon but then he looked away and walked past.

Niki stands in front of Sunoo and smiled then asked Sunoo can he sit beside him. Niki wanted to give this a try and let go of his fears because he couldn't hold them forever.

"Can I sit right here" Niki said, Sunoo averted his eyes to Niki. "U-uh Yes" Sunoo said nodding his head, then adjusted himself in the seats. Sunoo what is your problem, why is it every time you act weird around him play it safe Sunoo.

Jungwon sunken in his seat trying to relax his nerves due to nervousness. Jungwon saw Jay got onto the bus walking through the aisle but then stopped as he sees Niki talking low to Jay only for their ears to hear and made contact with him.

Jungwon was panicking if he will sit next to him, but Jay broke the eye contact and walked past his seat. Jungwon sighed as his eyes got teary, but he wiped them to not seem weak.

Hanbin sat across from Jungwon and noticed that he was down, so he sat next to him and hugged him. Jungwon smiled and hugged back and took a deep breath. "It's ok to feel weak sometimes, but I know you can do it, I believe you can" Hanbin said with a smile.

Sunoo and Niki were comfortably riding through silence. Sunoo was trying not to fidget his fingers looking out of the window and kept taking glances at Niki.

Niki decided to break the silence to have a good conversation with Sunoo. "So do you have any favorite songs of a Artist" Niki said. Sunoo turned directly towards Niki and clapped his hands smiling excited that he mentioned it.

"My favorite artists are Lana del Ray and Neighborhood" Sunoo said with a smile. Niki chuckled with his arms crossed.

"What's your favorite songs by them" Niki said. "Cinnamon girl and Blackest day by Lana del Ray" Sunoo said. Niki nods while listening. "Crybaby and Reflections by The Neighborhood" Sunoo said, still smiling.

"So tell me why you like them" Niki said, Sunoo cheeks rises in Joy that Niki mentioned what he likes about them.

"I like them because their music explains so many emotions, people tend to feel those emotions most of the time, which you can't get enough of their music "Sunoo said with a smile.

Sunoo starts rambling on about it without a notice and moving his hands while talking. Niki just silently listening to Sunoo speak. He couldn't believe how beautiful his smiles is and how the way he thinks of things it's different.

Sunoo then stops talking and turns to Niki, realizing Niki is still looking at him. "What did I say too much" Sunoo said. Niki shook his head. 

"Nothing, you just have a beautiful smile". Niki said. Sunoo cheeks turned red and repeated the question.

"I have w-what" Sunoo said. Niki laughs at him being stunned, but did he lie? "Sunoo you have a beautiful smile" Niki said. Sunoo hit him on his shoulder. "Stop teasing me" Sunoo said. Niki laughed.

"I'm being honest, I don't lie about what I see of things" Niki said. Sunoo cheeks got even redder. "Shut-up" Sunoo said, then looked back out the window. Niki tried not to laugh again as he rests his head back and put on his headphones.


Hey guys it's author comment down which one is your favorite chapter mine is chapter 19 Hanbin and K moment and chapter 22. I feel like I did good on those chapters but what's your opinion ??

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