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Hanbin then said goodbye to his friends in the hallway since it was lunchtime he told them he will be in the Garden room. Hanbin headed to the Garden club because he wanted to check up on his New flowers.

The New flowers he has been working on is a Daisy and a Jasmine Flower. Hanbin walks in the Garden room and heads to his station. Hanbin starts watering them.

Hanbin sat down, put on his headphones as he sighed and lay on his arms that were crossed and stared at his Iris and Jasmine Flower and his eyes starting getting heavy. He then went into a deep sleep.

K was getting ready to go to the Garden room because he wanted to look at the "certain flowers" that caught his eye. K walked into the Garden room and stopped as he saw the cute boy he always sees in the hallway.

K walked towards him and saw him up close "Wow he's pretty" K said with a whisper and ran his fingers in his hair gently not waking him up. K then removed his fingers and looked at the Iris and Jasmine Flower and back at Hanbin.

"So you made these Pretty Flowers" K said. Hanbin opened his eyes slowly, they both stared at each other than jumped in realization. Hanbin then takes off his headphones as his heart beating non-stop because his crush is literally in the same room as him.

"Im sorry I didn't mean to scare you and neither wake you up" K said. Hanbin tried not to freak out. "N-no it's fi-ne I d-didn't mean to fall asleep anyway" Hanbin said and blushed. Hanbin wanted to run away from being embarrassed because this is not some y/n story to do all this stuttering.

He's so cute, I want him in my pocket- K said. "Did you make theses beautiful flowers" K said. "Y-yes" Hanbin said. K then laughed and smiled. K then smells the scent of the flowers.

"Reminds me of my mom, she loves flowers, especially a "Dahlia". K said. "Is she ok ?" Hanbin asked as he's eyes showed he was worried. "She passed away in my Junior year" K said.

"I'm sorry" Hanbin said. "No need to be sorry she's in a safe place with the love of her son and the flowers she also loved" K said. "K HELP ME—Heeseung said, yelping for help. K turned at the door and took a heavy sighed.

Hanbin giggled as he tried not to, K looked at him and smiled. "He's so cute" - K said. "Well I have to go, as you see, it was a pleasure talking to you" K said and rubbed his hair gently as Hanbin blushed and froze, K then left to go deal with his friends of his.

"Hanbin and Jungwon what flower you've been working on" Sunoo said as he walks towards them at the lockers. "I've finished working on the Iris and Jasmine flower now i'm working on a Dahlia Flower, and it came out pretty" Hanbin said.

Jungwon gasped because Dahlia Flowers are pretty. "I was going to give it to a certain someone because um he showed interest in my flowers, and it will also makes him feel relief" Hanbin said, blushing.

"Sunoo Hanbin is blushing" Jungwon said giggling. "Hanbin is it your crush you tried to tell me how to approach" Sunoo said, stunned by Hanbin and the flower. "N-no well yes" Hanbin said.

"You don't have to tell me I will eventually figure out on my own. I always do" Sunoo said. "I like how you are so confident about us, but when it comes down to you, a freezing popsicle develops" Jungwon said.

Jungwon then fake being shock "Omg Niki just took off his shirt" Jungwon said out loud and pointed Sunoo turned his head around so fast and looked at Niki as Everyone did the same.

Niki looked up from his phone and putted in his pocket as he sees people staring at him, they then looked away in disappointment. Sunoo quickly turned back to Jungwon direction. "Ok..." Niki said confused and walked off.

Sunoo then blushed without a thought. "See I told you so" Jungwon said and laughed. "Shut up, you still have to do your business with Jay" Sunoo said and pouted. Hanbin shook his head as he listens quietly. "Ugh, don't remind me about that" Jungwon said and rolled his eyes.

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