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Hype camp

"One of the first activity is Scavenger hunt" the teacher said. Sunoo jumped up and down, he always wanted to do scavenger hunts.

Niki threw his head back and let out a heavy sigh, he hates scavenger hunts. It takes minutes to find things.

"I hate scavenger hunts" Niki said. "Well, you're going to like it since you have me,"Sunoo said. "I really don't want to do this," Niki said, pouting.
Sunoo giggled. "It's not that bad so don't worry" Sunoo said. "Fine" Niki said and crossed his arms tiredly.

"Here are the scavenger hunt papers. This is not a competition. This is for you to have fun and enjoy yourselves" the teacher said, passing out. "You can all go now" the teacher said.

The students all started heading their separate ways into finding the things that include on the paper. "So it's say's here we have to find one green leaf" Sunoo said, having his full attention on the paper.

Sunoo and Niki started searching for a green leaf. "Niki I found it" Sunoo said and showed Niki the green leaf". Niki nodded ok. Sunoo checked that off the list and kept searching.

Heeseung and Geonu started looking for three sticks, since that was included on the scavenger hunt paper. "Do you see any" Heeseung said.

"No do you" Geonu said, still searching as he didn't realize there was a branch in front of him. "I wouldn't have asked you if I did see one" Heeseung said, laughing.

Geonu tripped over as he was going to fall back, he landed on one of Heeseung arms as Heeseung caught him from falling.

"Thank you—Geonu said, as he stopped in the middle of his sentence since he was so close to Heeseung's face that he didn't realize how attractive Heeseung is and his jawline along with it, how come he is now realizing has he been living under a rock.

"Took you long enough to realize how attractive I am" Heeseung said, raising Geonu back up to standing. "Shut up, let's keep searching" Geonu said, blushing as he didn't know he made it obvious of staring at him.

"Niki try searching for smooth rocks I'm going to look for one brown leaf" Sunoo said. Niki listened to what Sunoo said and looked hard into finding the smooth rocks.

"Seriously why didn't I fake being sick, this will take hours to find it" Niki whined. Niki started searching on the ground. "Stupid rock where are you" Niki said to himself. The whole time it was right in front of Niki's face, he grabbed it and yelled.

"SUNOO I FOUND IT" Niki said yelling. "You don't have to yell, I'm right here" Sunoo said behind him. Niki turned around, jumped and touched his knees to catch his breath.

"What you didn't know" Sunoo said, laughing so hard. "No, you scared the hell out of me. I thought that was my last life" Niki said, feeling his heart.

"Oh, sorry, at least you're still alive. That's what matters" Sunoo said, smiling. "Come here, I'll show you what matters once I tickle you" Niki said.

Sunoo ran as fast he didn't want to be caught by Niki. But Niki was gaining up on him as he looked back, his angle twisted a little. "Ow" Sunoo said quinces at the pain feeling his ankle.

Niki ran towards him, worried. "Are you ok" Niki said as he squatted down to Sunoo level. "I don't think, so I twisted my ankle, how are we going to do the scavenger hunt now" Sunoo pouted.

Niki hummed, thinking about what they should do. Niki then thought. "Hop on my back, we can do it from that way" Niki said as he turned his back for Sunoo to get on.

"What if I'm heavy" Sunoo said worried. "You're not heavy, you don't even look heavy at all" Niki said. "Even if I look like it doesn't mean I'm not" Sunoo said. "Just get on" Niki said.

Sunoo wrapped his arms around Niki neck, holding the paper. As Niki has his arms wrapped around his thighs. "Like I said, light as a feather" Niki said. "You didn't quite say that" Sunoo said, rolling his eyes. "Doesn't matter I said you weren't heavy" Niki laughed.

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