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3,868 Likes by @ilovegeonu @mr

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3,868 Likes by @ilovegeonu @mr.sheep @poppingking @im_ej @flowersunoo @danielover @sunnyhanbin and many more......

I should've known better not to do what I just did but do I regret no and also yes I did decided to dye my hair blonde. 🥲


@ilovegeonu: The blonde looks good on you Jake but What did you do ??? 🤳

@mr.sheep: I think I know it's probably a person with a letter start with a S and end with a N. 😏

@ilovelayla: I would like you to head out the door where you came from honestly 🙂

@mr.sheep: but did I lie ??🤔@ilovegeonu

@ilovegeonu: nope and he didn't deny it either 🤣🤣@mr.sheep

@ilovelayla: 😤


Few hours ago

Jake was trying to read and scan through the book in his hand that their English teacher assigned for them to write an essay. But as Jake continues reading, he realizes he likes the book "The Giver".

One of the quotes he likes because it has a deep meaning was "We gained control of many things, But we had to let go of others".

Jake got so mesmerize into the book walking around the basketball court that he didn't know a pole was in front of him. Jake started mumbling the words while reading as his head hit someone's hand.

"I can tell that you like to read," Sunghoon said with a smile, leaning on the pole facing Jake. Jake then lifted his eyes up meeting with Sunghoon's Jake widened his eyes and blushed, then closed the book and took a step back.

My crush is in front of me and not from far distance-Jake. What should I do, my crush is in front of me, my crush someone help me- Jake took deep breaths to calm down and decided to say something.

"No, my teacher assigned the assignment to read a book and write an essay," Jake said, avoiding eye contact. Sunghoon noticed and tried not to laugh, nodded while listening to Jake.

"At first I started to read and scanned at the same time, but I realized I actually like the book" Jake said. Sunghoon nodded.

"I'm sorry, am I talking too much" Jake said. "No —Sunghoon sentence got cut off by Jake. "Yes I am, I think my pet pig is calling me" Jake said, panicking and speed walking away.

"Pet pig" Sunghoon said, repeating what Jake said confused. "Since when we start having pets at school" Sunghoon said. Sunghoon then thought for a moment and shook his head laughing, walking away.

Jake then curses under his breath, facing the mirror "Are you kidding me Jake pet pig" Jake said. "Do better, just do better" Jake said, pointing at himself in the mirror, then sighed and headed to his classes.


Ej walks down the hallway to put his books in the locker. He sees the guy that walks past him all the time and steals glances at him. Ej notices it but doesn't say anything. Ej walks out of his music class the guy walks past with headphones, stealing glances.

Ej walks to the vending machine, the guy walks past whistling and goes to a different vending machine and grabs him a blue soda. Ej goes to the bathroom, he walks out the guy walks past talking to his friends. Ej sighed and took a deep breath, shaking his head.

{Lovely Sunoo }🌻

Hey Sunoo do a guy that's tall,handsome,brown hair always have a hoodie on and be at every place you go ?

Huh no why would you ask that ?
And did you say handsome 😊

Idk I guess I'm  starting to get anxious that's
all don't mind me saying Handsome I saw a glimpse of the guy face.

Ok, if you saw a glimpse, I would've at least tried to look at the entire face 😎

We know Sunoo the way you look at
Niki explains it 🧐

😤*blocked *



Ej walks down the hallway and goes to his locker to get his camera to head to photography class, he sees a letter on top of his camera. Ej then looks around to see who gave him the letter. He opens the letter.

Hi you might not know me, but I always had a crush on you, I decided to gain up my courage to tell you to give you a hint of who I am I always end up at the same place you are I hope you're not freaked out about it, and I'm one of Taki's other friends, but I hope you can give me a chance for you to like me- Ps.Nicholas.

Ej was flustered, and shocked someone liked him, but why not give him a chance. Hopefully, he doesn't run away keyword-hopefully. Ej gets a pen and respond back to the letter. Hi, I'm Ej nice to meet you and I would love to give you a chance-From Ej :).

Ej places the letter back in his locker, grabbed his camera and closed the locker. Ej sighed and smiled then closed his locker and head to his photography class.

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