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Hype camp

"I have an idea Taki friends and you guys should come to me and Niki cabin and just chat about stuff" Sunoo said. "Good idea you should tell Niki" Jungwon said. Sunoo walked over where Niki was at.

"Are we going to get a kdrama moment from them" Jake said. "Who knows to be honest" Jungwon said. "Don't worry, that probably would happen" Ej said. "I'll be watching" Geonu said.

Sunoo went to Niki trying to get his attention, but he was cursing Heeseung out about something.

"Niki" Sunoo called out, tapping on his shoulder. Niki turned around pissed, but then his face softened up as he saw that it was Sunoo.

"Niki I wanted you to invite your brother and friends to our cabin, so we can have a chat and get to know each other" Sunoo said.

"Yea sure we can if I can get them to control themselves" Niki said, giving Heeseung a glare. Heeseung just shrugs, not caring at all.

"Let's go then" Sunoo said dragging Niki arms. Jay and the rest follows Sunoo and Niki along with Sunoo friends as well.

Night approached while all of them were talking, getting to know each other. Jungwon then notices something, for some odd reason, he just now realized that he always sees Niki with hoodies.

Niki was scrolling on his phone. Sunoo was talking to Hanbin. "Hey Niki is it weird for me to ask why you always wear hoodies" Jungwon said.

Jay hearts dropped as soon as heard what Jungwon said. Niki stops scrolling and places his phone down. Heeseung and the rest knew trying to figure out an excuse.

Sunoo looks at Niki and saw his hands were shaking a bit. Sunoo goes to Niki and holds his hands to stop it from shaking. Sunoo was confused why, but he didn't ask any questions.

Niki smiled at Sunoo and took a deep breath. Sunoo was always by his side and never questions unless he is ready to speak about it.

"Uh it's because—Jay said, but was cut off. "It's ok Jay it's the past. "I'll tell Sunoo and his friends I need to let go of it" Niki said. Jungwon felt like he asked the wrong question, he then started playing with his hands.

"Well how can I start off back when I was a sophomore, I had this crush on this person but he wasn't the person I thought he was" Niki said.

They all we're listening carefully, but Jay's leg couldn't stop shaking.

"We walked home from school, he asked did I like games, and I was like yea. So we went to his house we played Mario Kart for a little bit" Niki said. Jay was listening carefully this was also his first time hearing the full story.

"He told me can I show you something upstairs. We went upstairs it took a turn and him and his friends raped me" Niki said. Sunoo friends gasped.

Sunoo tears started falling and squeezes Niki hand. Niki squeezes back to let Sunoo know he's ok.

"I started to cut myself nonstop looking in the mirror repeatedly saying I'm so dirty and disgusting. I distanced myself from my friends and jay" Niki said.

"One day Jay came home from detention and saw me pull my hoodie off with cuts on my arm as I was going to cut again" Niki said. All of Sunoo friends cries.

K goes over to Hanbin to cheer him up. Sunghoon hugs Jake. Nicholas hugs Ej. Taki and Daniel hugs each other. Jay goes to Jungwon hugging him as they both cry in each other arms.

Sunoo cries harder. Niki pulled him into a hug, whispering sweet things to calm him down, telling him's ok. "You didn't deserve that" Sunoo said with sobs.

"I know I didn't, but I'm not concerned about that anymore because I have someone by my side, remember" Niki said. Sunoo lifts his head up from Niki shoulder and smiles. Niki smiles backs.

"I'm sorry Niki, I shouldn't have asked that" Jungwon said, wiping his tears. "No it's ok I held it in too long that I need to let go of it" Niki said.

"Sorry to ruin the sad moment but Sunoo your phone keeps vibrating with text messages" Sunghoon said, picking the phone up trying to cheer the mood up.

"Someone named Beomgyu said save him because he threw his best friend chapstick in the toilet because his best friend wouldn't take him to his favorite store and now his best friend calling cps on him" Sunghoon said.

They all laughed at Sunoo friend. Sunoo laughed himself and couldn't stand his online best friend behavior. Niki couldn't help but shake his head and laugh as well.

"Alright guys, you all should go pack and be ready for the morning" Niki said. They all nodded yea and told each other goodnight and left Niki and Sunoo cabin.

"Go change" Niki said to Sunoo. Sunoo nodded and went to go change as Niki did the same. Niki comes out and climbs on his top bunk.

Sunoo came out and started playing with his hands, scared to ask Niki something. Niki's eyes we're closed with his hands crossed above his head.

"Niki are you sleeping" Sunoo said nervously. "No I'm not yet what's the matter" Niki said and opened his eyes.

"Can I sleep with you to make sure you're safe" Sunoo said. Niki laughs to himself because Sunoo is just cute when he worries.

"It's ok Sunoo I'm safe but yea you can" Niki said. Sunoo climbs the top bunk. Niki patted the spot beside him. Sunoo gets under the covers and couldn't help but to hug Niki chest and fall asleep.

Niki plays with Sunoo hair as he thought. I definitely have to ask him out, but how. Niki then continues playing with Sunoo hair and deeply went to sleep.

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