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Niki wanted to surprise the cute guy by saying that he also goes to Hype University, but he was hoping that the cute guy would notice him.

"You're ready to go get your phone back," Jay said, lifting his eyes and brows up and down.

Niki just shook his head and said, "Yes, I am ready to go." Niki laughed. Jay and Niki got in the car and were listening to the music, and they began to sing songs with the radio blasting.

Jay and Niki arrived at the school, said their goodbyes, and headed to their classes.

"Why am I suddenly nervous about meeting him again?" Sunoo said. Taki came walking towards Sunoo from down the hall. Taki, have you talked to him yet?" Sunoo said.

"Yes, I did, and I think I'm getting used to the flirting now." Taki laughed at what Daniel's reaction was.

"That's good; I told you so," Sunoo said. Taki just smiled.

"There was nothing to—Taki interrupted Sunoo and said, Sunoo, there's a guy staring at you. Taki said and pointed at Niki.

Sunoo looked at Taki, confused, then looked at where Taki was pointing. He saw the stranger again, smiled, and waved at him.

Niki walked into the hallways and saw the cute guy and waved at him, but he started feeling butterflies as he did before, and that was two years ago.

Niki was then frozen and started thinking, What if it happens again? What if I'm going to have a crush again? Niki started panicking.

Flashback: Sophomore Year

It all started with Niki's first day as a sophomore. His brother Jay introduced him to his friends, and it developed into a friendship.

He met Taki when Niki was dancing in the studio club, and Taki walked by and complimented him on his dancing.

So Taki asked if Niki could teach him, and of course Niki did, and Niki introduced Taki to his friends, and they all became close.

But as days went by, Niki was talking to his friends by the locker, and he noticed a person with his friends, and that person stood out to Niki the most. He was tall, hot, and attractive. Heeseung asked Niki who he was staring at.

Heeseung realized and said, "Oh, if you're wondering what his name is, it's Cho Min-seo," and Niki had now had a crush on Min-seo.

One day, Niki couldn't stop staring at Min-Seo. Min-seo's friends tapped on Min-seo's shoulder and signaled like he was telling him that Niki was staring at him.

Min-seo smirked, and then Niki went back to talking to his friends. Later that day, Cho Min-seo went over to him when he was leaving to walk home.

"Hey, what's your name?" Min-seo said. "My name is Niki". Niki blushed and smiled.

"That's a nice name, Min-seo said. Hey, do you want to come over and play games with me?" Min-seo said.

"Yes, I love games. I have tons of them at home," Niki said. Min-seo smiled. They were now at Min-seo's house. Min-seo unlocked the door to the house. Min-seo and Niki then went inside.

Min-seo told Niki to stay right there, and he went upstairs to grab the game. Min-seo and Niki were laughing and smiling as they played Mario Kart on the TV. Niki was enjoying himself.

"Can I show you something?" Min-seo said. Niki nodded his head.

"Follow me," Min-seo said, and they went upstairs in Min-seo's room. Min-seo's phone rang, and that's when Min-seo said, "We can start now." Niki was confused about what he meant, and Min-seo turned to him with an evil smirk.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Niki said and backed up a bit. That's when his friends came, and Min-seo walked over to Niki and grabbed him by his wrist and threw him on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Min-seo crawled on top of him and held his hands down, so he wouldn't get up. That's when Niki started crying because he knew where this was leading.

They've started taking off his pants and underwear, and Min-seo is kissing his neck and leaving hickeys. "Please stop," Niki cried out, but they didn't listen. Once they were satisfied enough, they let him go and said

"You were so nice in bed at this game; I hope we can do this more often". Niki walked away and ran home. As he ran home, he went into his room, crouching down and hugging his knees.

Niki started saying things to himself, "I'm dirty, I'm so disgusting," and kept on repeating them non-stop.

That's when he looked in the mirror and started cutting himself, crying. He did it day after day, feeling no pain, until he started to have anxiety.

Jay noticed how Niki was always distancing himself, ever since the day he walked home alone because Jay had detention and Niki then started wearing hoodies.

Day after day, Niki doesn't sit with Jay and his friends or with anyone else. That's when Jay asked Niki "What's going on with you lately, Niki".

Niki had this blank expression with no emotion. And told Jay to leave him alone and close the door on him. The next day, Jay came home early since he's always out with his friends.

Jay goes upstairs to see Niki's door open and Niki standing there facing the bed. He pulled off his hoodie and saw cuts on both of Niki's arms. Jay's eyes started getting teary, and he said

"Niki, why are you cutting yourself?" Jay said, and tears started falling.

Niki turned around with no expression. "Niki, answer me." Niki didn't answer. "Niki, answer please," Jay said. That's when Niki spoke up and said He was raped.

"I feel so disgusted, Hyung." Niki's eyes started pouring tears after tears. Jay ran over to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." Niki just kept crying until he eventually fell asleep.

Jay was hurt and angry that he wanted to go after the person who did that to his brother, so he called his mom and dad, since they were on a business trip, and told his dad what happened with Niki. Their dad was furious, and their mom was crying over the phone.

Their mom and dad returned home. Niki knew Jay had let them know, and his mom and dad started crying and hugging Niki. We all tried to make Niki happy, and he was getting better, but he still had anxiety.

Jay always checked on Niki non-stop to see if he was okay, and Niki always loved that his mom and dad were protective of him now. Niki thought he had erased this trauma, but it decided to come back.

End of Flashaback

Niki went over to the cute guy to return his phone, and Niki grabbed his phone back and was trying to go to the bathroom, but the cute guy grabbed him by his wrist and stopped him.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" the cute guy asked. But Niki took his hand off him and told him, "Don't touch me," Niki said with fear in his eyes.

Niki ran into the bathroom, panicking. He went into the stall, threw up multiple times, and rested his head on the stall door. "It's all coming back," Niki said, closing his eyes.

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