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Hype camp

All the students gathered in the center of the cabin, wondering what was about to happen.

"Ok it is now 11:40 am we would eat breakfast and have a bit of a break to let our stomach digest then get to the activities,"the teacher said, clapping her hands excitedly.

The students headed to the cafeteria and went to the line to get their trays. All the students widened their eyes, the principal, and teachers went all out, they all yelled out yes.

There were hot pancakes, eggs, packet, bacon omelette, toast, all kind of jelly packets, all kinds of syrups and all kinds of juices. Sunoo jumped up and down excited, happy to get this kind of breakfast.

"Calm down Sunoo the food will still be there"Geonu said laughing, standing behind him. "Geonu" Sunoo said and hugged him. "Where are the others" Sunoo said.

"If you didn't notice, they are already at the front," Geonu said. Sunoo looked seeing his best friends has their tray and sat down and begin digging into their food. 

"Come on Geonu let's get our food, we should've run to the front" Sunoo said. Geonu did nothing but laugh. Sunoo and Geonu grabbed their plates and sat where their best friends were. "You two finally made it" Jake said, stuffing his mouth with pancakes.

"Hush Jake you should have waited on us" Sunoo said. "I'm sorry I couldn't just starve" Jake said. "Yea you right" Sunoo said as he took his fork and ate a piece of his pancake with a moan. (Don't think dirty you guy lmaoo).

"Is it that good Sunoo"Jungwon said laughing. "Yes why wouldn't It be" Sunoo said. The teachers and the principal standing there smiling, glad that they succeeded in making the students happy to ease the stress off their shoulders.

Niki, Jay, and the others walked over to their table and sat down. Jungwon then became quiet. "I see you made it out of the bathroom" Niki said.

"Be quiet" Sunoo said. Niki sat down next to Sunoo. "I'm just messing with you" Niki said, laughing. Jay sat in front of, thinking about how to talk to Jungwon.

They all peacefully continue eating their food. A girl came over and pretended to drop her lipstick. "Oh, can you get that for me"the girl said. Sunoo saw what the girl did but didn't say anything.

Niki picked it up for her and handed it to her. "Thank you, you didn't have to" the girl said, blushing and went to her friends. Sunoo stabbed his fork and put the pancake piece in his mouth as he was slightly jealous. Attention seeker like I didn't see what you did-Sunoo said.

Jungwon laughed at Sunoo reaction, knowing he was jealous. Jungwon could've sworn Sunoo bragged about being the not so jealous type. But that was a big fat lie to tell.

All the students got up and threw their food in the trash and set the trays back where they were. And went back to their seats to sit down and relax, letting their stomach digest.

"Nicholas did you buy Jay microwave yet"Niki said laughing. Jay gave him a glare. "Yes I asked them to deliver it to the front porch" Nicholas said, laughing.

"Thank you, Nicholas, you're the best" Jay said, smiling. "You're welcome anytime," Nicholas said. "Jay is literally happy over getting a microwave, is it really that serious" Sunghoon said. Jungwon secretly giggled as K did the same.

"Sunghoon can you ever let me be happy"Jay said. "Yes, once you get a boyfriend and surprise me" Sunghoon said, trying to hint the idea for Jay to give Jungwon a hint of winning his heart.

"Uh...I decided not to be a playboy no more since it's unnecessary"Jay said. They all clapped besides Jungwon he was confused, but he felt like he should give up because Jay will probably not like a person like him.

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