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Hype Camp

Jay looked at Jungwon to see a reaction but didn't see him once make an expression but why is that did he say something wrong.

Sunoo also noticed, Jungwon didn't react. He knew why, but hey he hates to say this Jay deserved it for a little while he has to realized Jungwon was a precious gem.

"Geonu you've been quiet for some time, what's the reason for you to be quiet" Sunoo said, smirking. "What makes you say that" Geonu said, avoiding eye contact.

Heeseung wasn't minding their conversation because he was too busy bothering Sunghoon. Sunghoon was hitting him to make him leave him alone.

Niki looked at Geonu was playing with his fingers and was adjusting himself. So, Niki wanted to help, so he thought of whatever came to mind. Niki placed a hand on Sunoo thigh, caressing it for him to leave him alone.

Sunoo jumped from the feeling, blushing and looked Niki way. "W-hat are you doing"Sunoo whispering back confused.

"Getting you to stop pressuring your friend look at him, you can tell he's having mixed emotions" Niki said, giving Sunoo eye contact making sure he is listening. Sunoo looks back at Niki, seeing he is serious.

"They must have had an argument and resolved the problem, and it's getting him to think I noticed while walking over here earlier," Niki said, whispering back.

Sunoo pouted sadly and looked at Geonu still playing with his fingers. Sunoo then looked down from under the table because Geonu shakes his leg a lot when he is nervous about something.

"You're right, it's my fault I shouldn't have done that" Sunoo whispering looking back at Niki having his head down. Niki shook his head in disagreement.

"No you didn't know you were just trying to be playful with your friend" Niki said, lifting Sunoo chin up. Sunoo stared into Niki eyes, his heart was beating fast at that moment.

Niki does the same, staring into Sunoo sparking eyes. Their moment was so intense without them realizing. Why can't he just kiss me like right now—Sunoo seriously pull yourself together.

"Alright students your break is now over your stomach should be ok at this moment let's get to the activities. I'm so excited" one of the teachers said through the microphone horn smiling.

Niki removed his hand from Sunoo chin and cleared his throat, looking the other way. Sunoo turns the other way also holding his hand over his heart.


Few hours ago

Geonu came out of the bathroom all ready to go see his friends, but first he had to fix the bunk bedsheets.

Heeseung came out of the other bathroom to get his shoes out of the suitcase. Heeseung went to sit on the bottom bunk where Geonu was making the bed, he didn't notice Geonu was making it because he was texting the group chat he will be at the cafeteria in a bit while holding his shoe.

Once, Heeseung sat down putting his shoes on, trying to tie his shoelaces. Geonu looked at him and gave him a blank stare, rolling his eyes. "Are you serious"Geonu said.

Heeseung lifted his head up confused "What did I do to you" Heeseung said. "Are you dumb, you see I'm making the bed, and you're just going to casually sit on it like it doesn't matter" Geonu said.

Heeseung stood up, upset because he didn't know he wasn't paying attention. "How did I suppose to know I wasn't paying attention" Heeseung said, crossing his arms.

"Then next time pay attention" Geonu said, rolling his eyes and continued making the bed and mumbled "Gosh he's so annoying".

Heeseung heard what Geonu said enough is an enough. He's tired of Geonu not realizing that he likes him, he tries so hard to not get offended by his words, but he's only hurting himself doing so.

"I'm annoying" Heeseung repeated mad. Geonu looked up at Heeseung face as Geonu face dropped, he never once saw Heeseung mad.

"Why do you hate me so much" Heeseung said with anger.

"I don't hate you, I just don't like you being around me and messing with me all the time, it's fucking annoying" Geonu said pissed. Heeseung closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to not cry and remain strong.

"Look all I wanted was you to notice me to have your attention because I like you" Heeseung said with a hurtful heart. Geonu eyes widened surprised he never quite noticed that Heeseung like him all this time, he always thought he was just doing it just because.

"But hearing you say I'm annoying hurts so much, so I'll just leave you alone" Heeseung said, upset,  about to walk off but Geonu grabbed his wrist.

"Heeseung how am I suppose to know that when you haven't said anything. That's not how things work all the time you need to let people know I know it's not easy but you have too" Geonu said with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have hurt your feelings without knowing how you feel" Geonu said, looking down, avoiding eye contact.

"I just need some time to think for me to give you a chance" Geonu said looking down.

"Im sorry for not explaining to you how I felt and putting the blame on you when it's not your fault can you forgive me" Heeseung said.

Heeseung lifted Geonu chin up for him to make eye contact with him. "Look at me please" Heeseung said wanting to see his pretty eyes.

Geonu looked at Heeseung and nodded with teary eyes. Heeseung felt so guilty for making it seem like it's Geonu fault.

Geonu looks at him as he notices that Heeseung is definitely not joking, his eyes show that he is in love with him. "I-I just need some time to think to return your feelings, and I'm so sorry" Geonu said sadly.

Geonu let go of Heeseung wrist and hugged him, he always hugs his friends when he realizes he is in the wrong because he doesn't want them to walk out of his life or make them hate him.

Heeseung was shocked but hugged Geonu back as he couldn't control his smile even though he had a slight chance of wining Geonu heart.

"Take all the time you need I'll be waiting no matter how long it takes," Heeseung said with a smile. Geonu hugged tighter not wanting him to go nor hate him.

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