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"Maybe I should call him first thing in the morning". Sunoo went to his bathroom, brushed his teeth, and washed his face. Sunoo walked back to his room and was hesitating to call, but he took a deep breath and called.

Niki was still in bed, half asleep, even though he turned the alarm off. But as soon as he started to drift off to sleep, The phone started ringing; he lifted his head up with one eye open, then answered it.

Niki laid back down with his eyes closed. "Hello, who is this?" he answered in his sleepy tone.

Sunoo shivered at the hot stranger's deep voice, with his voice being so raspy. "Um, hi, I'm the person you accidentally switched phones with", Sunoo said nervously. "I wondered when we should give each other our phones back," Sunoo said.

"Oh well, I have school today, so do you want to give it to each other this afternoon" Niki said, finally opening his eyes and sitting up and speaking. "Also, what school do you go to, so I can head there" Niki said.

"I go to Hype University," Sunoo said. "Wait, you do alright noted." Niki said with a smile and laughed.

"What's funny" Sunoo said, confused. "Nothing; it's just my friends and brother goes there," Niki said, getting up and putting his hands in his pocket while holding the phone to his ear.

"Oh well, I've got to go get ready to get dressed and eat breakfast; see you later," Sunoo said. "I hope you don't mind that I post on your account; I had to let my friends know not to worry because I'm not answering their messages," Sunoo said.

"No, I don't mind," Niki said, then immediately went into his thoughts: Oh sh*t, they will tease me nonstop and will never get tired doing it. Niki sighed quietly.

"Well, see you soon." Sunoo said, "Alright, see you." Niki hung up and started to get dressed and didn't once look at the bed to remake it because what's the point of remaking it when you're going to get back in the bed later on?

Sunoo picked out the clothes he's wearing today; he decided to wear a gray shirt with black jeans and a pair of black and white Converse. "Well, he did say he didn't mind me posting, so I will do so." Sunoo smiled and started doing different poses.


4,678 Likes by @heeseung_ace @im_

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4,678 Likes by @heeseung_ace @im_.k @iceking @b.boy_lover @jaylovescorn many more

Hey it's me again I never get tired of selfies but this is the last time since I have to give the phone back to the owner.


@jaylovescorn: can you tell me those digits 👀🔥??

@heeseung_ace: Jay stay back get out of your playboy era this is N*** type

@iceking: he don't want nun of y'all but hey stay in your delu era nobody's stopping you.

@im_.k: I'm not going to lie he's cute and attractive but I saw someone cuter very attractive in my opinion☀️

@b.boy_later: dang if I didn't have crush on the someone I like I would've choose him


Sunoo looked at the time, and he had 2 minutes to eat. He decides to have toast since he doesn't have that much time.

"Sunoo, are you sure you don't want any breakfast?" Mom said, looking at her son eating toast. "Mom, I barely have enough time," Sunoo said.

Sunoo put his backpack on both shoulders and hugged his mom.

"Tell dad to have a great day at work," Sunoo said while walking to the door. "Call me or text if you need anything," Mom said.

Sunoo waved bye to his mom; mom waved back, and Sunoo shut the door and began running towards the bus stop. Sunoo arrived at the bus stop and sat down on the bench, exhausted, leaning his head back on the bus stop headboard.

"Looks like someone's exhausted," a brown, short guy said with a smile and sat down. "Be quiet, Taki; I woke up late," Sunoo said. "I didn't know you were friends with the stranger," Sunoo said. Taki laughed at the way Sunoo was just saying stranger.

"Yeah, related to things that have to do with dancing, we just automatically click," Taki said with a heavy sigh as Sunoo observed that Taki looked like he was worried about something.

"What's wrong, Taki". Taki began shaking his leg out of nervousness and said,

"I like Daniel". Oh, really, that's good," Sunoo said with a smile, then realized what Taki just said.

"Wait, what do you like Daniel? Omg I never noticed; no wonder you always treat him like he is a little angel," Sunoo said. Taki smiled as he felt his cheeks getting hot.

"But with us, you treat us the same way but differently, teasing us, being more playful, and complaining, but still doing what we asked, Sunoo said.

Then I thought for a moment. Taki, this means you have to make a move," Sunoo said, shaking Taki back and forth.

"Ok, ok, I know Sunoo." Taki smiled, as Sunoo also did, and laughed. The bus arrived, and Sunoo and Taki got up, went inside the bus, and then sat in the seats. "I just know Hanbin is worried about me". Sunoo said.

"He has posted Have we talked to you"Taki said as his eyes began to waver. "Just so you know, I didn't say anything bad," Taki said with a innocent smile.

"You better have, because once I get my phone back, I will do something y'all wouldn't like," Sunoo said.

"I missed my phone. I can't wait to get it back today, Sunoo said. Taki just nodded. Sunoo and Taki got off the bus and headed inside the school, but got slapped with realization.

"Nope," Sunoo and Taki said, turning back around to head out the door. Then they saw the security. Sunoo and Taki turned back around.

"Oh, so it was this way; I thought it was the exit way," Sunoo said.

"Apparently yes," Taki said as they started walking down the halls.

"You can do it, Taki; don't be nervous; shake off the feeling," Sunoo said. "Thanks, Sunoo; see you at lunch," Taki said, turning around to walk to class.

Sunoo smirked, knowing that Daniel told him he thinks he's crushing on Taki but doesn't know for sure. Sunoo laughed as he tricked Taki into being surprised like a fox.

I hope y'all are enjoying it so far because the next few chapters will be a plot twist what will happen ? would niki continue being nice or not?

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