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Hype Camp

The students came back from the scavenger hunt with smiles and laughter on their faces, as you can tell, I think that shows they all had a great time with the activity.

"I see that everyone is in a good mood, but we have a sad little problem," the teacher said with a smile then turned into a frown. The students stopped talking concerned and gave the teacher their valuable attention.

"We have to go back because the bus won't run on the day we are supposed to leave" the Teacher said. While the principal was just pacing back and forward trying to think of a way to make up for it.

"Tsk if the principal and the Teacher wanted to make up for it, they should cancel the exams," Jungwon said with a whisper to Sunoo and his friends.

"That will make my life so better," Geonu said smiling looking at the sky. "Looks like he's up in the clouds" Ej said, shaking his head. Taki and Daniel laughed.

Jake and Sunoo gave them looks because there's no way that the principal and teacher would let that happen unless it's luck that's given.

The principal's eyes widened with a smile, it shows that a idea came up to his head. "We will cancel the final exams" the principal said with a smile, fixing his suit proudly.

The students cheered and high five one another, Jungwon eyes were surprised the universe finally listened to him for once in a lifetime.

"Jungwon has spoken to the universe" Jake said, gasping with a hand over his mouth. Hanbin laughed, hitting Jake on the shoulder to not think that way. Ej just shake his head like it's another day for him.

"The universe should be listening to me, I asked for a boyfriend" Sunoo said. "And that still hasn't happened" Sunoo said with a pout, throwing his hands in the air then crossing his arms, not thinking at that moment.

His friends started fake coughing because why the hell would Sunoo say something like that. Does he not see what they see, they thought it was quite obvious.

"Ermm are you sure about that Sunoo" Daniel said with a cough. "What do you mean," Sunoo said, confused. "Do a name, not ring in your head" Jungwon said with a cough. Sunoo put his hands on his hips, shaking his head unnecessarily.

"He's tall" Jake said, joining in on the coughing "Are you guys all sick or something" Sunoo said.

"Was it something contagious because why are you all coughing" Sunoo said confused. They all sighed, wanting to jump in a pool and just float at the top miserably.

"Because we're trying to get a point across, Sunoo comprehend with us" Jungwon said, crossing his arms.

"His name starts with an N that still doesn't ring a bell to you" Geonu said. Sunoo opened his mouth and gasped, covering his hand, giving them the finger.

"I see what you all mean" Sunoo said. "Nakamto Yuta guys I know he is my celebrity crush, but you're making me more delusional than what I already am" Sunoo said, smacking his lips and smiled then headed off to a daydream about him.

His friends slap their foreheads of Sunoo being very naive. "You have Niki, that's what we mean" Taki said with a hand on his forehead, shaking his head in disbelief.

Jungwon was rubbing his temples tiredly. Sunoo eyes grew, shaking his hands and his head aggressively. His face and heart tells otherwise that he likes Niki.

"Niki is not my boyfriend" Sunoo said. "Yet" Jungwon said with a smirk."What do you mean there is no yet be quiet Jungwon" Sunoo said, blushing as his heart couldn't stop beating.

"Looks like Sunoo is being in denial" Geonu said, crossing his arms with a smirk. "That's what they said about that on the news there is a river in Egypt called Denial" Jake said.

"Oo I want to see the Denial river" Hanbin said. "Who needs to see the Denial river when we have Sunoo" Jungwon said. Sunoo gasped because Jungwon did not.

"That was Foul" Jake said. "Truly" Sunoo said, and the rest nodded their heads ashamed. Jungwon threw his hands in the air as if he didn't say what he just said.

"Betrayal is always after me, that's a real shame" Jungwon said, nodding his head disappointed. Daniel patted him on the back, he knows what it felt like since day 1 he became friends with them.

"As I was saying, this means today is a free day. I wish we could've done more activities" the teacher said. The students heavy sighed even though there were no exams they were having fun.

The teacher and the principal were surprised their students were actually sad about that, wasn't they just clapping their hands secs ago.

"We will leave first thing in the morning so scatter along and make sure everything is packed" the principal said, feeling sorry.

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